flor: please tell me where I have said otherwise...I...
He looks starstruck, perhaps he was just excited to...
MT: I read your post although I didn't comment...it had...
Flor: yes, there are some celebrities/royals that are...
Self praise is no praise...she's not a minger but she's...
Is he checking out her booty in the last pic?
Be aware of out of date foods in all supermarkets in...
2020 Olympics: being racist again? Allah must be so...
Does it come with a remote control? It looks like it...
Oooooh, I hope the sun comes out quick, no-one wants to...
flor: please tell me where I have said otherwise...I...
He looks starstruck, perhaps he was just excited to...
MT: I read your post although I didn't comment...it had...
Flor: yes, there are some celebrities/royals that are...
Self praise is no praise...she's not a minger but she's...
Is he checking out her booty in the last pic?
...Be aware of out of date foods in all supermarkets in...
2020 Olympics: being racist again? Allah must be so...
Does it come with a remote control? It looks like it...
Oooooh, I hope the sun comes out quick, no-one wants to...