Women hate me because I'm beautiful

I didn't want to post this yesterday because I really didn't want to feed this woman's ego, I mean, she's pretty but I don't think she's beautiful (but perhaps she's not my type), and I don't think she's justified in writing either of these articles. (first one appeared on the 3rd April in the Daily Mail, the 2nd today).
So what do you think. Does the backlash she's received prove her point or is she just delusional.
This is beautiful? eva mendes is beautiful! that B is trippin..
But again, most girls I met/meet have this logic.
To the woman in the OP--I hate her but not because she's a beauty, but cus she's a narcissist.
a bad judgment will always bring the worst from the good people. I'm really amazed but not surprised, it's a common thing here in this forum.
discriminatory remarks. And look who's talking?
FYI that WAS history.....today is the present!!! We are not looking at an article in the paper about a women from a historical period in the past are we???
and YOU are not from the past......or have you invented a time machine?????????????????????????????????
some people eh?????
p.s teachers always learn ..."even though you are a teacher" as you say. We learn even from the children we teach!
plus i didn't say I've never heard the statement/idea you have put forward....what I said is that I've never heard so much rubbish as you are using it in a present situation in this century!!!!
If you have fat legs these days you have had too many McDonalds and don't exercise enough or you have an obesity problem/disease. Nothing to do with 'class'.
I wish everyone would get it out their heads that teachers are super human!!!
Look at all the fun I missed out ...:(
Missteacher, FYI, thin legs and especially thin ankles indicate thin bones. And historically, the thin bone is a characteristic of the individual from the higher class, in contrast to the heavy thick bones, which is inherent in the lower class. Women in lower orders historically had big arms and legs because of their different role in society. The implication is that lower class women needed to do hard work . Women with heavy wide bones - and as a result, large hands and big fat legs - were designed for heavy work, in contrast to the thin-boned, “blue blood” upper class ladies, who, as it’s known, did nothing but socializing…
Quote: “heavy-legged woman found among the lower classes” http://jrscience.wcp.muohio.edu/humans_web_04/beauty/feminine.pdf - p.285
...it’s never too bad idea to learn (even though you are teacher) more about something that you have "never heard" before, rather than calling it “rubbish". If one never heard about something, it doesn’t mean it’s rubbish, it only means that his/her knowledge is shallow, and – which is much worse - his/her mind is narrow to admit it.
"..I'd say it's quite simple...IF and when men send drinks or buy stuff for a woman they do not know, they have ONE thing and ONE thing only in mind.....so, I'd say it is not necessarily flattering to be offered those things. ..."
I agree with nomerci on this, think this seems to be the a strong argument, I think she maybe a flirt and thats why she has encountered such behavior from lecherous men who are always having that ONE thing in mind.
Also, this maybe the reason why her some women were jealous of her because they might be worried because of her flirtatious nature...
So I think the incidents she narrates is correct however the reasoning which she gave maybe wrong...
Brit, looking at her mindset, the consequences she is getting will only reinforce her opinion...
of her action (her writing it publicly, I mean).
Whilst I agree with some of the issues brought up by the Groaniad, I do believe that she is adult enough to believe what she wrote and must take responsibility for it..
i just can't help feeling that her articles are a wind up - surely she is not so lacking in self perception as to believe it?
She isnt prettier than me!
Only Miss Mimi is pettier than me!
Thing is, yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
A woman writing about herself as being beautiful, nothing wrong with that in general, if she thinks she is, fine. BUT, if with what, or the way she writes, she puts others down, says they are jealous etc...this when she better be ready for the echo.
I'd say, even a woman who is regarded as truly beautiful has to be ready to deal with adversity if and when she writes an article such as this lady has done.
jjj, she actually looks quite pretty in those ones. Which really makes me question why the Daily Mail posted the previous ones.
she surely needs to do some workout for her belly !
looks good in the purple dress....:)
jjj, this should be in funnies!
But then again, maybe she thinks a well developed muffin top, asymetrical facial features and stringy hair are beautiful...who knows!
Or perhaps it's like the Guardian said today Brit:
And the Daily Mail hates women.
Even better pictures
"Which is why I'll never say "people hate me because I'm too beautiful" much less write an article about it!"
Perhaps there is the answer. She just wanted publicity for her article..
Is this woman seriously? Or all those men who send her drinks are old geezers or legally blind.
She isn't beautiful. Not even cute. I have friends who are much beautiful than her and they get along with other women great.
She needs to realize women do not dislike her for her supposed good looks. They dislike because she is a conceited B.
it might be weird but it's not wrong. It's her view, if you don't agree, fine, precisely I was asking what or how you rate beauty meaning what is the basis for a woman to be beautiful. She has a perception and she just voices it out. Her perception did not mean that she is the MOST beautiful but more on the people she may have met on particulars as she experienced it.
You think she's ugly? And her story does not say her current looks but what she had in the past years. So she's just relating some experiences and I think better to give her the benefit of the doubt!
hmmmmmm no cm for this thread
No I don't flor. Which is why I'll never say "people hate me because I'm too beautiful" much less write an article about it!
and we are now judging her? So you think you are beautiful?
Miss Mimi just kidding, you invited us to your big day and we had plenty ..:)
Next time I'm in Doha UK the drinks are on me ;)
MT, Its funny that over the years the way a women is judged as beautiful has changed. Just over half a century ago the beauty of a women in the western world would be seen as a women who had plenty of flesh and was quite fair which associated her with being from a privilege back ground.
In those days if yer were skinny, boney and had a tan you would be considered as a peasant and low class.
Funny how time changes.
Going back to fat legs.. I kind like a women with meaty bacon..:)
Miss Mimi I just remembered as you mentioned above about the round. You still owe me a drink you round dodger..:)
wow......fat legs = lower class
never heard so much rubbish in all my life!!
So, when it comes to the above mentioned lady, I think many men may think she is "easy". Because beautiful she sure as heck ain't...and women, why they may not like her...well, they probably know women with her attitude...and those woman do not give womanhood a good reputation...
I'd say it's quite simple...IF and when men send drinks or buy stuff for a woman they do not know, they have ONE thing and ONE thing only in mind.....so, I'd say it is not necessarily flattering to be offered those things. Now, if your husband treats you to beautiful things rather often, he either adores you are is cheating on you ;)
Missteacher, I AM serious..
and yes brit, that's what i am saying.. she is simply looking for publicity... nothing else.. she is not beautiful at all.. there are millions of ladies looking like her or much better, and who is getting a lot of men's attention this way or another... and it's also known that sometimes ladies are jealous of another lady's beaty (or success, or wealth, or whatever..)
but nobody comes up every time with this nonsense topic..
Brit men r more in to each other looks then ladies now the whole meterosexual thingy has ruined the whole generation
Just been watching a discussion about this. She got the publicity she wanted, but more interestingly, a couple of psychologists mentioned that women tend to judge other women on looks first and brain matter second.. Is it the same for men ?
Many also said that "prettier women" do get preferential treatment in life..
Lol Korly, how did i forget you ! :(
Errr....i guess got carried away with the strong winds blowing in QL....:)
Honey, you could'n't afford me!
MM, get ready for the 5th request ! :)
TBF MM, you do look like a hottie in your profile pic, I very nearly sent you one myself ;-)
I'd just like to point out that I've gotten 4 freendsheep requests today after posting this thread :P
"Jalepeno of Jaipur"! I just spit out some coffee, lol!
Oh Yes you are!!!
Ooops, i m dead meat now ! :(
OMG My Jalepeno of Jaipur! How cud you two time me!.....
Korly wats ur phone number ? :)
no worries u can send me a pm with invisible fonts...:)
I must be very beautiful then as I have men chasing me around the car parks at Malls begging for my phone number;-)
"...once one qatari bought me 3-4 items in one of the most expensive stores in Landmark"...what should I make out of it....:)
This is why I keep telling you not to drink Pints ;o(
QS, I've NEVER had a guy (who wasn't a friend and it was his turn to get the next round) buy me a drink...Never had one offer to buy me a train ticket or anything. :(
However, I want to say that I am categorically NOT jealous of you...I just want to know how you do it. ;)
You've just proved her point.. Women in most cases do judge the way another woman looks and behave..
I think she has done her self more harm than good.. She is not great looking, but many a time its all about the way you dress and act.
Qatarisun are you being serious or sarcastic?? :S
besides, she has fat legs, which indicates a lower class..
We men are but putty in those hands when see some bumpy bits..aahh
she claims:
- "Throughout my adult life, I’ve regularly had bottles of bubbly or wine sent to my restaurant table by men I don’t know" .. well, WHO HADN'T??? It happened many times... What's so big deal about it?
-"Once, a well-dressed chap bought my train ticket when I was standing behind him in the queue, while there was another occasion when a charming gentleman paid my fare as I stepped out of a cab in Paris." - once one qatari bought me 3-4 items in one of the most expensive stores in Landmark..this is just from the recent cases.. SO?? Do I claim I am beautiful up to the point that "nobody" can resist me? or women hate me because of that?
"presented with a beautiful bunch of flowers" - also happened..
I am sure most of the gals have experienced something similar this way or another.. as every girl is beautiful in her own way, and there is always a MAN who will admire her..
I am sure, even herself, she doens't think that she is really beautiful. She just wants to be famouse by stirring the interest and creating the scandal...
April's fool :D
max1986.. Yes I know a few of them too, with gel in the hair and pointy shoes! nuf said!
Not only girls this happen to guys too lot of guys hate me just cuz I m better looking :p
After having seen her picture, I am not even going to read this article...totally useless...this woman is FAR from beautiful,IMHO.
Does she own a mirror????
i find it amusing brad pitt is called handsome. I dont find him handsome at all. In fact quite the opposite. But there might be several who might find brat pitt and geroge clooney and naomi campbell good looking.
The point that im trying to make is, people can go on and on about whats beautiful and what isnt. Samantha Brick might not be a stunner but she presents several valid points.
Some of the comments on twitter and on her article in mail are downright hilarious and some are very mean.
it was indeed very funny reading some comments.
But I think her job is done, she wanted to create an internet hysteria over a non issue and she has managed to do just that. The fact that thousands around the world are even discussing her means shes managed to do what she wanted to.
hmmmm ....sort of going off the original topic!
Although I don't agree with this woman and think she is extremely vain, I do think that in sense what she says is right. Sometimes girls, especially teenagers at high school, and even adults do treat 'beautiful' girls differently. Usually because of the green eyed monster!
I mean growing up was just a nightmare for me :P hah
yeah like few sessions.... Of Yoga :P
A lot can happen in 2 hours..;)
Those gels are home made ones and wont last for more then 2Hrs....:(
Rizks then giver her the hair gel stock that you bought from lulu :P
Pamela was good at her time...now she got nothing, the gels hav dried up...:(
LOL.. Snessy.. yes, coz she is "special edition" and always in high demand :P
Katrina has the looks and the body to match..and oh those long long legs like the Eiffel Tower!! Its all natural grown and not made in China :P
Hahaha CL, Pamela is mostly shop bought.
Oh come on .. Katrina Kaif.. She's too simple .. just a pretty face .. Pamela has got it ALL .. :P
Pamela?? Oh please...her floaters were just too round...lets talk Katrina Kaif :D
LOL ...each to their own boys!
For me.. Talk about beauty talk about Pamela Anderson.. haha
MT, The Women that i Admire alot, will do forever
"Princess Diana", Talk about Beauty, Talk about Diana... :)
Beauty lies in the eyes of flies.....:)
Oh come on !! she's not even close to the word "beautiful" .. whats wrong with people
flor: please tell me where I have said otherwise...I have stated MY opinion, not anyone else's.
people of different perspective will find her beautiful or not so beautiful. Definitely, she's not ugly, or you think so?
How can one say she's not beautiful if you can't say your basis?
Asterix ...in your opinion :)
Flor: yes, there are some celebrities/royals that are attractive but very few have natural beauty. There is no point in me telling you who I think is beautiful out of the public eye because you don't know them and cannot respond accordingly.
Porn stars are beautiful :)
It's a self fulfilling prophecy isn't it? If we don't agree with her, than we're just bitter and jealous, if we do, we feed her ego. It's a no win situation.
like movie stars? Royals?
she's not boasting it. She is entitled to it. Definitely she's not ugly, so she must be beautiful. As to what level, people will see it differently.
Self praise is no praise...she's not a minger but she's not beautiful either.
OMG! The poor woman is delusional!
Beautiful - NOT
Pretty - NOT
My heart goes out to her and her oversized ego.
But I wouldn't dare share. For the record I do think she's pretty and talented too, but nothing worth hating her for,much like the lady in the OP!
All females are beautiful in their own world / mirror.
Shakira Ain't Beautiful..... :/
Why do People See the Outer Beauty of a Person!
Fathima got a pic of this hottie? Please share :P
I would think women might be hating her cos she's vain and obviously thinks no end of herself! Seriously gals like her tick me off. I knew a girl like her who'd assume everyone has a prob with her cos she was gorgeous and talented. Little did she realize it was her overbearing attitude that annoyed us all!
lol @ comments...whoever said, a woman is another woman's worst enemy as they just can't see another woman better or prettier than themselves.
lol Smokeeeeeeeee
Rizks to see the curves please go behind the monitor :P
by the passport size pic of MM, how can one see the curves ? :(
For me Miss Mimi always gets a 10/10. After all real men go for curves and only dogs go for bones..:)
but I like KAte Upton more. LOL!
i simply love the eye lash color in MM's pic...:)
Are you kidding LP. All the ladies be jealous when I waddle by!
MM is an 8.5...on the Richter scale hahahaha!!
I'm sure MM doesn't have that problem according to her "beautiful" avatar.
she looks old, bad hair, bad nose...only her body is good.. a 8/10..face..4/10...she is too obsessed with her own self..hahaha she need to see a doc..
I didnt say she's ugly but please i was hoping for at least a 8 and half...by the claims she was making..and thats just a 5 in my opinion.
Pats the Kat on his back and asks him gently to wipe the table now....:)
But tat lady isnt tat ugly, atleast looks better then britey and Ukeng ! :)
I initially thought it was an April fools article - hahaha
I almost spat my coffee out when i saw the pic...I think this woman would do well in Qatar...pwft!
If she had written the article from the point of view that women are their own worst enemies, and steered clear of calling herself beautiful, I think she would have made a better point.
Haha! This is really laughable! I think she has an ego thats a bit too big for her. Shes not an ugly woman but IMO she aint no Shakira or Naomi Campbell! LOL
Now every time I buy some one a drink is because they think they are pretty or is it because I think that poor lass can't afford a drink?
Thanks Translator, nice link with intresting topics....:)
My bad:
She says that "women hate her because she's beautiful" .. Case proven methinks :o)
I can't open them either
agree with Rizks
agree with cheru, cant open the link too !
Can't open the links.