Why moan??

I don't understand why people moan that they have seen a particular story once before on QL and then the forum is even deleted??/!!!!
I've been on QL for over a year now and I had never came across the recent forum I posted yet because some QL'ers have seen it before it gets moaned about and removed. There are people who had just joined QL that hadn't seen it before and there are also new members everyday. Things like this won't be 'searched' for and will probably only get read if up on the main wall.
Don't get me wrong for topics that are repeated daily and constantly like salary questions, good schools etc... I understand why people can get annoyed and why their forum might get deleted and even referred to the original site link.
I posted this on Facebook and all I got was nice, positive comments even if they had read it before and even shared it to spread the message. What a different response on here.
Very interesting indeed!
this is a thread for matured moaners...lol!
hey guys , why are you moaning too much in this thread ?? :P heheheh
Ok Dad.
but make sure you report back on the 15th! And prepare your lesson well. Your students may not moan but may yawn! Lol!
God your such a moaner britexpat!! :P
Oh why does MT get to enjoy the Haggis and Mars bar. Why does she get to have a fortnight off. moan, gripe :O(
If i see thing's posted on here that i'm not interested in or repeated topic's i just don't bother read it..Some people love to moan i suppose!..Some do it a lot and very well..Not pointing fingers,of course!
MT, Lucky You... Enjoy your Holidays... :)
When will my 2 Months Holiday Start... Eagerly Waiting...
Well made me feel better and thanks to those who were positive.
Your point is loud and clear Tink :) Im aware how FB works too Tink and no you can't control who comments....you can certainly delete it but not them commenting in the first place.
Anyhoo ....Ive just started my 2week Easter hols! happy days....have a great day QL'ers!
Tink, Yes you have made your Point Clear..... ;)
People will always knit pick and disagree.
If everyone was the same the world would be offy boring I guess!!
p.s Facebook friends aren't always people you know by face or your friends Tink!
Prism I agree with you...as mine was not a joke and it hadnt been posted 'in the last few days'.
I remember a female friend telling me that you like moaning :o)
hahahahaha me too...:P
when i read moaning....i understood it wrongly
If someone is posting something pertinent to living in Qatar, say an update etc and it gets deleted I can understand the moan or rant on its deletion. But a rant for a joke getting deleted cos it was posted umpteen times is beyond my understanding. And as it can be said for the users who post "posted earlier" that their day isnt over if they havent posted 100 something comments same may hold true for the posters opening threads which have been posted several times earlier that they have some complusive itch to post something. There were Qlers in the past who would humbly accept when pointed out that the topic was posted earlier, but guess things have obviously changed now.
P.S.: I have no issues with what anyone posts. I however would frown when the same thing is posted within a couple of days or a reworded version of the same issue the millionth time say about driving in Qatar.
is what i have learned from U monk ahahahahaa
"just like that".... :p
I agree with U :))
So when you are annoyed you use the word wtf ?
well move on and find a forum that interests you.
There are forums on here that ive never read before and they bore to tears...do you know what I do?
I move on and get on with my life.
Most of the time repetition is boring for many people.
Well said Cryogenic ...agree completely.
My point exactly that you and many others will not be able to see a very positive and nice message to promote anti - racism.
Ah well....Easter holidays start in 1 & 1/2hrs for me!! woo hoo! happy days!
i understand mods have a tough job policing a site like QL and deciding what stays and what doesnt. however what annoys me is the constant trolling of some resident monkeys and all the garbage they post in all threads stay put, but even genuine and important info gets deleted saying it was posted before!! WTF?
my question is, so what if it was posted before?
someone found it important to post again. let the newcomers digest the info for those who already have read it, move on.
by deleting such posts ( i havent read your original post MT but im making a general statement) be it an important one or a joke that is being repeated, the mods are setting a bad precedent.
and above all what takes the cake and the bakery is the teremity of a few posters who jump up and down and just have to write " already posted"
there are a few whose day is incomplete if they dont write 100+ comments on QL everyday.
end of rant ;-)
at the end of all this brouhaha, QL is just an internet forum and even if posts get deleted or some users say something inappropriate, just smile and move on. honestly doesnt make a diff to me. I rarely post on QL and am mostly on read only mode to enjoy the absolute chaos QL brings into our lives day in and day out.
MT, let it go. Like you, many had it before so maybe they are just passing it to the newer ones.
eh what??? many had the story before or had their forums deleted/moaned about.
passing what on to the newer ones????
Instead of telling me that it has been posted before i would rather you posted an opinion on it or if you don't want to, leave the forum for people who haven't seen it or are interested in it.
many had it before so maybe they are just passing it to the newer ones.
I mean, before, many of us also posted something already posted by someone before AND the same comment comes out! So nothing wrong saying, POSTED BEFORE! It's not moaning!, It's telling a comment.
MT, I have read what you posted several times before.. Certainly did not hurt me having read it again today..
But, does happen! Keep posting!
Mods did comment that he/she just woke up so could have been deleted due to lack of coffee :P
Thanks Snessy...I agree, which is why I thought it would be nice to share with the world of QL and just reiterate an important message which is unfortunately very relevant for all societies.
It's called censorship and it prevails everywhere in the Middle East!
Yeah I am Flor1212....your point?
MT: I read your post although I didn't comment...it had a great message and one which should be repeated every so often just to remind people. It's a big shame it was deleted, I think some people on here needed to read it again.
MT, Me likes your comment... :)
by posting this thread?
They try to be smartass. And nice pic MT
Say No to Mods over Moderation?
haha! very good asterix :P
nothing just wanted to share the point! Of course you've read it before Smoke!!! :P
Haven't this been Posted Before... ;)
Truth be told even i had read it before, however i do agree with you on your point. Just let it go what more can you do?