deepb here in Arabic culture we have sayings which are...
An open minded religious can go and study outside and...
I am sorry to disappoint you. In Canada specially...
to fight each other, we are only expressing our opinion...
Here the children should carry the father name...
matter when you belong to certain culture and each...
for expressing the necessary skills for debate and sure...
I am sorry because I went to another topic by mistake,...
I say husband because the wife and her husband are the...
I still did not understand you and did not get the...
deepb here in Arabic culture we have sayings which are...
An open minded religious can go and study outside and...
I am sorry to disappoint you.
In Canada specially...
to fight each other, we are only expressing our opinion...
Here the children should carry the father name...
matter when you belong to certain culture and each...
for expressing the necessary skills for debate and sure...
I am sorry because I went to another topic by mistake,...
I say husband because the wife and her husband are the...
I still did not understand you and did not get the...