An open minded religious can go and study outside and have western friends, on the other hand a close minded religious man can not go and study outside, and if this close minded go and study outside he will not have as many friends as the open minded one.
Religion is not a barier Nic, Relgion helps me to live and share thoughts with others according to my beliefs.
Nic please never think that religion is a barrier.
It is very basic Nic, if people respect each other thoughts and beliefs there will never ever be any problems.
An open minded religious can go and study outside and have western friends, on the other hand a close minded religious man can not go and study outside, and if this close minded go and study outside he will not have as many friends as the open minded one.
Religion is not a barier Nic, Relgion helps me to live and share thoughts with others according to my beliefs.
Nic please never think that religion is a barrier.
It is very basic Nic, if people respect each other thoughts and beliefs there will never ever be any problems.