The job takes me between 4 gulf cities every month and...
"...she has 2 days off every week" big deal!...
2012 Olympics God needs to change your status in life,...
It's called a public holiday and she is a member of the...
fraud. they will ask you for money.
"In my opinion,if in case i am positive with HIV of...
Who asked you any question, slowly coming off your high...
Your blab still proves that you have to jailbreak an...
I wonder if the Einstein wannabe can explain why you...
You are correct about Apple restrictions and over...
The job takes me between 4 gulf cities every month and...
"...she has 2 days off every week" big deal!...
2012 Olympics God needs to change your status in life,...
It's called a public holiday and she is a member of the...
fraud. they will ask you for money.
"In my opinion,if in case i am positive with HIV of...
Who asked you any question, slowly coming off your high...
Your blab still proves that you have to jailbreak an...
I wonder if the Einstein wannabe can explain why you...
You are correct about Apple restrictions and over...