"...Next time we will see how you going to survive with...
yes indeed ..this is the true character of being modest...
"...You don't need to be a rocket scientist just to...
"...it's funny how in emergency ,team of doctors spend...
You aid in your post that "...I believe it is important...
still waiting for your response...
"...They kill...knees and shoulders don't....as far I...
"...Insanity: but the Islamic culture makes very...
"...It’s funny how everyone is up in arms against those...
"...Next time we will see how you going to survive with...
yes indeed ..this is the true character of being modest...
"...You don't need to be a rocket scientist just to...
"...it's funny how in emergency ,team of doctors spend...
You aid in your post that "...I believe it is important...
still waiting for your response...
"...They kill...knees and shoulders don't....as far I...
"...Insanity: but the Islamic culture makes very...
"...It’s funny how everyone is up in arms against those...