How science changed world's destiny.

This for the intrigued and the not-aware, how Science changed human's destiny to the brightest.
This for the intrigued and the not-aware, how Science changed human's destiny to the brightest.
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Sorry to say but your information are completely bullocks.
I don't know where you gathered your medical info but you understood it the wrong way.
And I do have FULL knowledge about religion since I was born and raised in a religious family and environment.
The human brain got absolutely no limitation except if it was forced to!
The problem here is not the brain's capacity but the big masses that rather wait for death than to live in the first place.
Please have full knowledge of your scientific info.
Because frankly humans are the owners of their own actions so its not the pill's problem that you ate it.
So stop blaming inanimated objects and assume responsability of your own actions.
Why we didn't realise the threats of global warming and black holes at the time when we had great Industrial revolution and created Air planes.
Note carefully, I am not against the science, I am just trying to make people understand that they are still weak and there is Almighty God and we all work as per HIS Wills and directions
Wrong direction.....dont attack religion without understanding its fundamentals.
I said weird thoughts to the one posted about Adams curiousity. I appreciate the advancement of science and technology for the betterment of humans is always good.
As always saying the humans have limited powers to think; why we didn't see the side affects of antibiotics at the time of its inventions and just go on taking extra pills to kill the side effects, further making humans less resistant and tolerant to new diseases.
Treating with hormones tablets, which again several side effects including devoloping cancer :(
"Weird thoughts" like planes? Like the earth is not flat? Like antibiotics? Like growth hormones? Like organ transplants orwould you describe religious dogmas any less weird?
You really got no idea, do you?
opt to watch such a series, its my children favourite channel and matter of time during weekend, fortunate or unfortunate what I evident/commented on science discovery channel posted above.
I am not against science but such weird thoughts are not acceptable, where scientists apply all their efforts to go against the laws of nature.
Highly idiotic series, watched on science discovery (future science) channel, man living for 1000 years, replacing all his fragile organs to hitech man made organs, recreating limbs again by creating artifically womb environment in the lab, etc :(
Believe me, the systematic creation and mechanism of wonderful galaxy, solar system, stars, planets and space activity are not by itself. There is a Wonderful Artist named Almighty God, the Creator of whole universe.
Smoke, you mean creating two worlds one for intellectuals and one for idiots and no interactions between them....exactly there will be two different places God has created and will send all of us post judgment day, some to heavens and some to hell and they could not contact each other.
Oh between all the series you went to a American one.
And letd not forget many "scientific series" in America are done by creationists.
Between all the thousands of series aired by well known scientists you chose the weirdest one.
Don't you think there is something wrong with your judgements?
I never joked on serious subjects like this my friend :)
Check about Adam Savage (an American) series on curiousity.
I never speak/write without verification.
@tahsinmim as I said on my previous thread, could you stop hijacking threads? that would be a good service.
@Victory ,are you sure you weren't watching Cartoon Network AGAIN ?! and taking your "info" from it?
Immortality is possible, the Jellyfish is an immortal creature,it is capable of age reversing.
immortality is not impossible... but do u want it ?
Sometimes i feel all these idiots need to be thrown on one side of the world where they cant interact with the rest of the people. Live and pray amongst themselves, grow their own crops and give offerings up to God, hunt for their food, interbreed and live happily ever after.
there is no need for one.
There is no logic in the existence of an intelligent designer simply because there is no evidence and proof that such an entity exists.
"..Without the equipments made by science you are as goid as choking on your blood dying...."
God has created the entire universe including and everything inside it including human beings. he made nature and the laws of nature like gravity etc.
He created human beings and gave them intellect to think and make conscious decisions. So if human beings create scientific equipments which help us in saving life then it is only because of the will of god.
Of course human beings have to make effort, however the outcome is dependent on the will of god.
"...Which loving God do you know of would let this happen to such a good man? Lets just say its "God's plan" and not question it...."
Belief in god also means having belief in hereafter and as per islam the afterlife is infinite whereas this life is limited.
Hence true justice will be done to everyone if not in this life then in afterlife; Every problem or difficulty which a good person faces he will be rewarded in afterlife OR his sins will be wiped out as a result of his hardship.
People who are sinning and committing crimes may or may not get any punishment in this world but then they will get what they deserve (remaining balance) in afterlife
"....We know through science how earthquakes happen, how cyclones form can we stop it from happening? Can God stop it from happening? If he can why does he not?..."
All natural calamities happens out of gods will. Why he does'nt stop them is a question we are nobody to ask god because we are his slaves and he is our master and his knowledge and wisdom is much more than what we can comprehend
The entire universe is created by god science can find the reasons for certain natural happenings but science and scientists CANT create something out of nothing just like God created the entire universe when nothing existed.
"God's will" well I guess he just loves seeing 6million jews being baked?
Its like saying :
-why does a ball fall?
-God's will!
Well I guess its time to ask god to loosen up the chains off the children working in factories a bit?
You guys actually think that surgery is only about stabbing and opening people's hearts?that easy?
Without the equipments made by science you are as goid as choking on your blood dying.
Again the answer is "God's Will, He, the most Wise and He knows the Best",
why he wanted an earthquake, hurricane or tornados and tsunami to happen, these all are within his plans.
Even if we have prior notice of all these natural calamities, we could have saved millions of lives but humans have limited powers and even could NOT exercise these powers at right time.
A real example, I know a doctor who cries literally that he could not save life of his mother who passed away at 70, bcoz he got totally blanked and could not decide what to do at that point of time. We explained him if doctors had powers to save LIFE then Tata's, Ambanis's parents would never die.
Good discussion, lets continue....
That's usually the reason why doctors are not supposed to operate on their family...because they are too emotional.
victory bhai, sadly neither does God guarantee life or death of any one either. Let me describe what you say is "God's Will". Two cars collide in a fatal accident. in the first car the man dies at the age of 23, he didnt drink, smoke or do drugs, he prayed 5 times a day, had a beautiful wife and a kid, in the other car was a man who does drugs, steals, cheats, rapes he is about 50 years old and he survives the accident. Which loving God do you know of would let this happen to such a good man? Lets just say its "God's plan" and not question it.
On the other hand now lets take a natural calamity...pick one, earth quakes, tsunami, cyclones. Everyone dies, man woman or child whoever and no matter what sins they committed. Again God's will?
We know through science how earthquakes happen, how cyclones form can we stop it from happening? Can God stop it from happening? If he can why does he not?
always hazardous to proved.
Now its rot your brains too ;D
Read here...
"...Next time we will see how you going to survive with a knife up your head,save your prayers for then..."
if you read my previous post carefully I had clearly mentioned that you need to do what best you can and then you need to put your trust in god.
This approach is prescribed by god himself. So now if a knife is stuck in the head then if I dont go for surgery (and just keep on praying) then it means I am not obeying god properly in this regard.
Lastly you did not answer my question as to why the doctors cant do any operation without getting a form signed to save themselves in case something unexpected happens ?
"...In Science everything needs proof and evidence, and surgery is part of science.
Give me your proof or evidence or just don't waste our time...."
How many times people have come out of comma when doctors and science had given up ??
Why cant science put a soul into a dead person ?
Can science predict the exact time when a person will die ??
can science predict the exact life expectancy of a person ??
according to science what is soul?
In no way I am trying to say that science is useless - however those things which are presented as scientific facts which promote the denial of existence of god are actually myths and have no basis.
Also, science or scientists cant change the divine decree/fate and if god wills even certain things can happen which is impossible as per current scientific theories (like few people coming out of comma after several years which is a fact and can be verified)
Doctors can only treat a patient but could not guarantee a life.
Saw many patients dying after open heart surgery and similarly seen many living for over 10-15 years post surgery. God gives life and He is incharge of our life and death.
"God's Will"...the answer to the mystery of the Universe is now solved!
When we denied these facts that science does helped humans in all the fields. we does thanks to a Doctor, being he is just a tool (a medical expert) to provide appropriate treatment based on his medical studies.
Tell me how we could forget the Almighty at the same time who is ultimate and blessed humans with such a wonderful brain, which works faster than a missile and can generate superb results or should we thank humans forefather Monkeys for natural evolution (as science told)?
Believe me, Humans intelligence worked as per God's will and wisdom, don't you feel surprised we have been living in dark for over 5500 years and most of the inventions happened in just last 200 years from Electricity to Computers..... :)
science is the pathway to truth. Agreed?
In Science everything needs proof and evidence, and surgery is part of science.
Give me your proof or evidence or just don't waste our time.
Or I guess when I have a critical surgery I should thank the Flying spaghetti monster rather than the doctor.
Next time we will see how you going to survive with a knife up your head,save your prayers for then.
"'s funny how in emergency ,team of doctors spend 12 hours doing critical surgery on the kid after an fatal accident, saves the kid, and the parents thank god...."
Actually it is not funny or illogical to thank god because it was he who gave us life in the first place and it is he who decides whether we stay alive or dead after a surgery.
Islam believes in, as the famous saying goes - tie your camel and then put trust in god. Similarly, by going to doctor/surgery etc. means that we are tying our camel and then we are putting our trust in god after doing what best we could do.
And even the doctors/hospitals make the patients sign form before any surgery because they cant be 100% sure about what is going to happen after a surgery.
Lastly science did not change worlds destiny - it made achieve what was already pre-destined by God.
@Smoke lol hahahah, I was just about to say something like that, it's funny how in emergency ,team of doctors spend 12 hours doing critical surgery on the kid after an fatal accident, saves the kid, and the parents thank god.
That's why being doctor is the toughest job in the world, you must have critical anger management.
Science didnt save us...Religion did! The next time someone needs an open heart surgery...please go to your nearest priest/imam/guru to quote you scriptures from your book to heal you.
@Victory as I said,this is ridiculous, unless you educate yourself about how science saved the world's ass ,then you'd change your mind.
Actually, there is a huge gap between our undetstanding of science and its benefits to humans :)
Do you mean people are unwilling to use their brains and act irresponsibly?
@Victory no offense, but that was one of the stupidest thing I ever read.
@Splitt for one we agree.
The world has a lackof people who are willing to use their brain and act.
how is the new world going to cope with a 4 degree temp rise as is predicted with the business as usual scenario. pray to allah??? How futile. Primatives indeed
I could see the brightest sun shines during nights as well in some other part of the world.
Can we change the timing of solar systems? Create a man made planet to stay in galaxy like earth?
Yes, and we still haven't reached the interesting part.
Nanotechnology and Quantum Mechanics are being explored more and more!
So expect a new world!
Did you check the Quantum levitation?
The future is indeed bright :O)