"...Next time we will see how you going to survive with a knife up your head,save your prayers for then..."

if you read my previous post carefully I had clearly mentioned that you need to do what best you can and then you need to put your trust in god.

This approach is prescribed by god himself. So now if a knife is stuck in the head then if I dont go for surgery (and just keep on praying) then it means I am not obeying god properly in this regard.

Lastly you did not answer my question as to why the doctors cant do any operation without getting a form signed to save themselves in case something unexpected happens ?

"...In Science everything needs proof and evidence, and surgery is part of science.
Give me your proof or evidence or just don't waste our time...."

How many times people have come out of comma when doctors and science had given up ??
Why cant science put a soul into a dead person ?
Can science predict the exact time when a person will die ??
can science predict the exact life expectancy of a person ??
according to science what is soul?

In no way I am trying to say that science is useless - however those things which are presented as scientific facts which promote the denial of existence of god are actually myths and have no basis.

Also, science or scientists cant change the divine decree/fate and if god wills even certain things can happen which is impossible as per current scientific theories (like few people coming out of comma after several years which is a fact and can be verified)