Looks set up to me. And the two shots were taken a...
Checkout my photostream on Flickr for more...
jazooon I hate Photoshop with avengeance. I am a...
I am happiest when there is someone driving in front of...
OMG this was so long ago! ankaka thanks for digging up...
The people coming the other way didn't boer.
I love it here.
Blimey FS you are right. Am I a retard or what?
Happy weekend? Do you know what day of the week it is...
Good idea MM, you must write to your MP immediately and...
Looks set up to me. And the two shots were taken a...
Checkout my photostream on Flickr for more...
jazooon I hate Photoshop with avengeance. I am a...
I am happiest when there is someone driving in front of...
OMG this was so long ago! ankaka thanks for digging up...
The people coming the other way didn't boer.
...I love it here.
Blimey FS you are right. Am I a retard or what?
Happy weekend? Do you know what day of the week it is...
Good idea MM, you must write to your MP immediately and...