Yup - I think it is a real eye opener
Qatar is 54 on the world rankings - I think I want to...
Avaya - I think that prosecutions and recriminations...
jack- I understand that you may be offended by my...
Both close to each other, rule of thumb (and I have a...
Very varied standard of quality of care here. Very few...
Flor - if you cannot remember what you wrote then I...
Flor you are the worst offender at times for attacking...
Carrefour meat section does not smell good
BAchus - actually my parents would be more annoyed that...
Yup - I think it is a real eye opener
Qatar is 54 on the world rankings - I think I want to...
Avaya - I think that prosecutions and recriminations...
jack- I understand that you may be offended by my...
Both close to each other, rule of thumb (and I have a...
Very varied standard of quality of care here. Very few...
Flor - if you cannot remember what you wrote then I...
Flor you are the worst offender at times for attacking...
Carrefour meat section does not smell good
BAchus - actually my parents would be more annoyed that...