100 QR entrance fee for adults, it's a total rip-off!...
i would buy one, ... as long as she sings that one she...
azi, well said......
racism, it's everywhere.. happens to everyone... i can'...
looks like it! :P...
i just love the way the judges' facial expression (...
her performance was truly moving.... oh, i wanna watch...
that is so true.. everyone on that show never expected...
yes azi just did,... and she was just amazing on stage...
in your face Simon!! now that's what i call performance...
100 QR entrance fee for adults, it's a total rip-off!...
i would buy one, ... as long as she sings that one she...
azi, well said...
racism, it's everywhere.. happens to everyone... i can'...
looks like it! :P
i just love the way the judges' facial expression (...
her performance was truly moving.... oh, i wanna watch...
that is so true.. everyone on that show never expected...
yes azi just did,... and she was just amazing on stage...
in your face Simon!! now that's what i call performance...