Frenchiemen, I have a question. Nothing to do with this...
Nice. TFS. Brought a smile on the face!
No I would not.
Frenchiemen - eh oui! lol.
dump the guy....go choose another one!
Looking at your picture(if that is really you),with a...
Legal Pad
enlighten us please who the owners of...
Britexpat, as long as there is no legal recourse these...
Qhris, good point. Whatever you said is correct. The...
Frenchiemen, I have a question. Nothing to do with this...
Nice. TFS. Brought a smile on the face!
No I would not.
Frenchiemen - eh oui! lol.
dump the guy....go choose another one!
Looking at your picture(if that is really you),with a...
Legal Pad
enlighten us please who the owners of...
Britexpat, as long as there is no legal recourse these...
Qhris, good point. Whatever you said is correct. The...