
By volleygirl5

If you were offered Qatari citizenship for you and your family, would you take it even it it meant having to give up citizenship to your home country?

I know this never happens, blah, blah, blah. It's just a curiosity question for QLers.

By anonymous• 15 May 2011 18:27

Everyone loves their country and i am sure it wont happend also....

By engrhumza• 15 May 2011 18:25

ambushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh man down man down.

By engrhumza• 15 May 2011 18:21

Looks like an as-ult is going on Qatari1212

ambush ambush ..... man down man down...

By EXLegend• 15 May 2011 17:45

flanostu is a really funny guy.

By FathimaH• 12 May 2011 14:07

Where/who is the human body spare part agent?Yikes..sounds creepy!

By metallic_grunz• 12 May 2011 13:41

Oops ! what a windup prophecy of 2012 ? a shooting star 1212 from planext X

By baldrick2dogs• 12 May 2011 13:18

QTR1212, you cannot get further from the reality of this.

By anonymous• 12 May 2011 13:14


Eever U heard the Term "GET A LIFE"?

By anonymous• 12 May 2011 13:12


By africana• 12 May 2011 13:08

"I know the westerns are more like GCC nationals they have countries they can call home but the rest of you are willing to stay and work in Qatar even if the local authority required you to abandon your original citizenship"

You are 100% ignorant; and know nothing.

By QTR1212• 12 May 2011 11:35

did Qatar offer any one here a citizenship so they can refuse it, I know the westerns are more like GCC nationals they have countries they can call home but the rest of you are willing to stay and work in Qatar even if the local authority required you to abandon your original citizenship without getting the Qatari one, plz give me a break

The westerns or Qataris at least they will find some bury them when they die ,they will not sold to human body spare part agents

By engrhumza• 12 May 2011 11:17

no offence............................. give me ur ur rational opinion...

By timebandit• 12 May 2011 11:14

"who the hell wants to get a dumb national hahaha


Errrr.... come again ??????

By engrhumza• 12 May 2011 11:13

who the hell wants to get a dumb national hahaha

By Milky_BarKid• 12 May 2011 10:08

lol LP absolutely.. Someone on another thread said that they do these things because they are a young country.. Well if that is the case it not worth arguing with their policies becasue they need to GROW UP!

By anonymous• 12 May 2011 09:05

It's not safe. They can withdraw it without reason.

By anonymous• 12 May 2011 08:59


By painther• 12 May 2011 07:50

No, Thanks

By Milky_BarKid• 12 May 2011 07:45

Lately there are a lot of rather vulgar people on QL.

Also some Old timers showing their real racist colours too!

By Milky_BarKid• 12 May 2011 07:32

Yes Flan sodomy and polygamy are a prerequisite?

By linc• 12 May 2011 01:21

No to the OP but I can certainly see why some would relish the chance.

For bread people . . . definitely bake your own. It's easy once you get the hang of it, and if you have domestic help it's easy to teach. A lot of the grain is China sourced, and a great deal of the bread sold as Western is wrapped in counterfeit packaging. If you look closely, many times you can see spelling mistakes and such! Just be careful.

By frenchieman• 11 May 2011 21:06

Bachus--time to bake your own.

By anonymous• 11 May 2011 21:05

I see some gorgeous qatari ladies around. If I could marry a few of them after getting the citizenship, I wouldn't mind settling down here..:)

By Bachus• 11 May 2011 20:59

And bread flour of any sort at five different groceries. What's the deal here? Is this normal or a seasonal thing?

Britexpat I was told to be careful about Hovis because some local bakeries bag their own bread it he Hovis bags.

By britexpat• 11 May 2011 20:52


Fallback to the Hovis quick ..

By africana• 11 May 2011 20:51

You need revolution to enjoy life in your own country...learn from Tunisia and Egypt. Safe place is where you belong to.You don't need to stay in a "Muslim country" to be a Muslim!Islam has no country!

By timebandit• 11 May 2011 20:50

2 Years Brit. And I haven't been shopping this week yet. Clean out of Kingsmill.

By britexpat• 11 May 2011 20:48

Oh for goodness sake.. A year in Qatar and you lose touch...

It's cucumber sandwiches, shortbread biscuits and scones :O)

By flanostu• 11 May 2011 20:44

my liquor license is worth more than a citizenship.

By frenchieman• 11 May 2011 20:40

Happygolucky--The last bit was sarcasm (hence the smiley face). I accept the coincidence argument. Lighten up.

By FathimaH• 11 May 2011 20:38

I agree...But its always easier to practice your religion in a country where you are a part of the majority than minority. Specially since I wear the niqab..back in SL though we were not really discriminated by the government we were subjected to racial slurs and verbal attacks. And certain places of authority, hospitals etc also tend to treat us bad just cos we are Muslims. But I won't really complain cos at least we were allowed to dress the way we wanted and had plenty of other privileges no revolution needed.. But its still better here, for me!

By happygolucky• 11 May 2011 20:38

FM get off my back, you are irritating. Find another target.

By frenchieman• 11 May 2011 20:38

FatimaH--Once again you've said it better than I. I think being part of the dominant culture is key to feeling at home, and home is where one feels most comfortable. I like it here, but I could live here for twenty years and still feel like an outsider. And I am perfectly OK with that so long as I can return to my home country.

By nomerci• 11 May 2011 20:36

Tb, bourbon sounds fine, thank you.

By timebandit• 11 May 2011 20:29

Rich Tea or Bourbon with that NM?

By nomerci• 11 May 2011 20:28

Yes thank you, two sugars and milk please.

By timebandit• 11 May 2011 20:27

Cup of tea anyone?

By frenchieman• 11 May 2011 20:25

africana--no idea, but I would would assume that virtually all are. I wouldn't want to become a citizen of Vatican City if I weren't Catholic for the same reason. Nothing against either on my part.

Happygolucky--You got caught following a young girl around on QL. You don't even see the point of this thread. Time to move on and leave the sour grapes behind :-)

By FathimaH• 11 May 2011 20:25

But Muslim..yes. And I do agree that the fact that Qatar is a Muslim country and that I've never felt at home in my own country as I have here are key reasons to my "na'am". that and the fact that I've never been discriminated against and feel so much more safer and freer here too. Oh and the food too..chocolates heaven!

By happygolucky• 11 May 2011 20:24

volleygirl5...since you yourself say that we haven't exchanged before, what could then be the reason for me to stalk you as wrongly presumed.... will leave you with a word on this issue to think and if possible think properly ...'coincidence'.... and with your own words "Sometimes things are just the way they seem".

By africana• 11 May 2011 20:21

According to your profile you are Qatari! But you are contradicting yourself here!!. Who are you? Don't you want to reveal your nationality?

You can do more than just dropping your home country's passport for another one!!!!

By flanostu• 11 May 2011 20:19

is sodomy a prerequisite?

By africana• 11 May 2011 20:15

"poor and Muslim".

Must every Qatari be a Muslim ?

Must one be a Muslim to get Qatar citizenship?

By volleygirl5• 11 May 2011 19:54

@ Brit I'm hardly an old Frenchman. Why is it that whenever two people agree on anything on QL someone accuses them of multiple user IDs? BTW someone else pointed me to the old thread.

@happygolucky you slagged me off on that thread then came here and slagged me off for the subject of this thread. Considering that we've never exchanged before, I take that as kind of creepy. If you're too above the topic, try not degrading yourself and posting on it next time.

@Mom_me I didn't respond on anyone behalf. I followed someone else to the old thread. My hostility towards the individual in question goes way back, involving harassment on old threads and PMs with his other username. Already he has suggested a 'date' today.

I swear you people are a real sewing circle with all the gossip and intrigue! Sometimes things are just the way they seem.

As for for Qatari citizenship, the subject of this thread, I would decline for a number of reason, but a big one is that my future children would only be citizens if I married a Qatari. Nothing against Qatari men, but that is a little too limiting.

By FathimaH• 11 May 2011 19:40

A resounding "Yes" or should that be "Na'am!"

By happygolucky• 11 May 2011 19:36

to whoever said I was stalking some irrelevant ID's...... ROFL... will not say much except seems the case of pot calling the kettle black...

BTW if VG and FM are the same why are the these 2 ID's still not banned as I understand one Mod say that such ID's would be banned.

By metallic_grunz• 11 May 2011 19:16

some people get deserved with "e3mc2 volgarity theory" when they chocked with neurons.

By strawberry_shisha• 11 May 2011 19:01

i agree with you..

By nomerci• 11 May 2011 19:00

Lately there are a lot of rather vulgar people on QL.

Ah well.

By metallic_grunz• 11 May 2011 18:56

i didnot noticed that somebody has seen my big A55h0L3, pardon me, apprantly, u don't have even courage of begging alone since your intentions is to take help of other, even for begging ! BINGO ! You got served! B cool mate, nothing matters-nevermind.

By timebandit• 11 May 2011 18:33

I did thank you Brit. A tadge over priced 'Al Mourjan' but very tasty.

By anonymous• 11 May 2011 18:32

Mettalic Grunz i think ur an idiot malluuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.........

By britexpat• 11 May 2011 18:32

As i was saying .. i wonder if TB enjoyed the Lebanese restaurant....

the nights are fair drawing in , eh !

By anonymous• 11 May 2011 18:29

Mettallic Grunz you are a big assholle so dont worry i will take ur whole family with me when i start begging bcoz people might see ur poor family faces and might give something....DOnt worry dear i will give u 10% from that .........

By timebandit• 11 May 2011 18:29

The word 'BUSTED!' springs to mind ;)

By britexpat• 11 May 2011 18:26

Perhaps, they are one and the same person or think alike or ..... ;o)

By Mom_me• 11 May 2011 18:25

Why is volleygirl5 replying on frienchieman's behalf in Qatar Academics thread (last comment)? Apparently, it is locked.

By britexpat• 11 May 2011 18:11

What would you do ?

By timebandit• 11 May 2011 18:10

I like it here. But I would never give up my British Citizenship.

By metallic_grunz• 11 May 2011 18:07

i am afraid people are still dreaming on, we are selling out work against money, we are not begging. Come on ! Wake up ! Definetly you can start, but you'll b caught since begging is prohibited in Qatar.

By frenchieman• 11 May 2011 18:04

Free monthly money is a myth. Sure, some are extremely wealthy, but the average Qatari is in debt up to his eyeballs--a big source of tension amongst nationals.

By strawberry_shisha• 11 May 2011 18:01

nope..will not..i was born and i'm to be a filipino..i will die a matter what...

By EXLegend• 11 May 2011 17:41

if it comes with the benefits enjoyed like what i heard... atleast the free monthly money ... and oh yea a plus on the qatarization scheme and stuff...

By prettyice2007• 11 May 2011 17:39


By Milky_BarKid• 11 May 2011 17:18

No effing way!

By frenchieman• 11 May 2011 17:07

Flantop--2 million QR is less than 400,000 Euros. Hardly enough to buy a decent one-bedroom apartment in Paris let alone retire on.

By Whitestar_8001• 11 May 2011 17:00

Flantop why do U think that frenchieman is a (Greedy Dog)

By anonymous• 11 May 2011 16:54

frenchieman why dont you say yes..

I am dam sure if they offer you 2 million QR. You will surely accept citizenship by throwing your orignal.. infact you probably ready to sell your parents aswell DONT YOU !!!

By acandaruma• 11 May 2011 16:45

i will never ever ever ever ever do that....

By anonymous• 11 May 2011 16:34

i would definitely give up my home country citizenship if i get qatari citizenship...........what the hell are you getting from your home country.........Bcoz of our fucking home countries we are coming here and working like beggars.................i think all indians are chutiyas to say No to offers like thisssssssssssssssss....

By metallic_grunz• 11 May 2011 16:33

"You can't escape mother and motherland and bitter truth is that you are alien with selfishness." Metallic_Grunz

You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you." J.L Allen

By Arien• 11 May 2011 16:24

Nope, thank you very much. :)

By frenchieman• 11 May 2011 16:11

If I was born Bangladeshi or Nepalese, poor and Muslim, then I would gladly take citizenship. By extension I would probably include Sri Lanka and Pakistan, but only if I was poor and Muslim.

By frenchieman• 11 May 2011 16:10

PreZ--Don't get me wrong. I fully sympathize with them and unreservedly believe that the citizenship rules should be expanded to include these people.

I would just like to see some defense of taking citizenship on this thread.

And Happygolucky you were not even on that ancient thread until she posted to attack her. And then you show up on this on to attack her. If the shoe fits . . .

By Upfront• 11 May 2011 16:10

No I would not.

By africana• 11 May 2011 15:59

Some of the non educated (cleaners,baby sitter,taxi divers etc.)working in Qatar may consider it. You may want to consider it also to make money for few years and drop it. You can buy Land Cruiser in 1 week; cash not loan!

Don't you have something to ask except this?

By mentoy101• 11 May 2011 15:58

South Asian? what do you mean by south asian? like Nepali?

By Uranus1• 11 May 2011 15:57

And yes, VG it does look like stalking to me too.

By Uranus1• 11 May 2011 15:56

If I was Palestinian I'd definitely take it. Who wouldn't? If I was Muslim and South Asian I would, too.

Fortunately I am none of those nationalities, so I would decline respectfully.

By PreZ• 11 May 2011 15:50

the people whining are those from certain nationalities whose been here for a long time i.e. generations like Balochs or Palestinians - people who have known no other motherland

By happygolucky• 11 May 2011 15:49

Following you... trying to feel important but sorry, for me you are not. As to your query, why bashing...when the pros and cons would be discussed it is anyone's guess where this will be headed to... as a starter read the comment posted at 3.32PM. And I don't answer hypothetical questions...sorry, not my kind of stuff.

By PreZ• 11 May 2011 15:48

just opinions, and I dont think most people would take it. Almost none from the Western Hemisphere, rarely or never by Indians, Egyptians and the like, a few maybe from Pakistan, Bangladesh etc..IMHO based on discussions with colleagues of different nationalities.

The basic deciding factor is the long term opportunity seen by individuals vis-a-vis their own countries and of course personal attachment.

By frenchieman• 11 May 2011 15:46

Anyone with a yes? Come on, people are always whinging on QL about be rejected for citizenship despite decades of service.

By HBoss26• 11 May 2011 15:42

Hell NO!!!!

By volleygirl5• 11 May 2011 15:39

How is this a bashing thread? This first rule for anyone naturalized as a Qatari is that they have to give up their original citizenship. I am curious to see who would. QLers on other threads complain about not having the opportunity.

How about answering the question rather than following me around complaining?

By Raven1968• 11 May 2011 15:37

not a chance

By happygolucky• 11 May 2011 15:33

another bashing thread...:(

By frenchieman• 11 May 2011 15:33

Alter Dusty--most of what is on QL is blah blah--surely you are not on here thinking you can change the world. It's all a chance to kill some time.

By frenchieman• 11 May 2011 15:32

Trade EU membership for life without democracy in an oppressively hot climate with bad food? Not a chance.

By anonymous• 11 May 2011 15:31


today seems to be a lot of free time on site, else U wouldn't answer on this thread after reading

"I know this never happens, blah, blah, blah. It's just a curiosity question for QLers."

Read more:

By anonymous• 11 May 2011 15:30

hahaha...who cares? just don't give up your own values ever!

By lord-elite• 11 May 2011 15:30

No........would not do that...

By KHATTAK• 11 May 2011 15:28

If I've to give up my home country's Citizenship....NO.

Otherwise, I dont see any reason for not accepting it.

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