Guess who are exempted to be on-duty during the eid...
"Phone users experience difficulties unsubscribing from...
modo- The A(H1N1) virus is not airborne....
Yeah, not good... . . .
Black for me: XL
White for wifey: Medium...
I don't see real competition here, most probably a new...
Awhile back in KSA, we have a workmate who smelled...
They iron the same dress everynight without washing for...
And why does some drivers flashes you even if you are...
Guess who are exempted to be on-duty during the eid...
"Phone users experience difficulties unsubscribing from...
modo- The A(H1N1) virus is not airborne....
Yeah, not good...
Black for me: XL
White for wifey: Medium...
I don't see real competition here, most probably a new...
Awhile back in KSA, we have a workmate who smelled...
They iron the same dress everynight without washing for...
And why does some drivers flashes you even if you are...