Qtel vs Vodafone: War declared?

The recently installed Vodafone mast behind my compound is looking a little pathetic;
This was most likely caused by a combination of mother nature's recent outburst and the shoddy workmanship we've all become used to here, unless of course Qtel are so worried about the competition that they've taken to sabotaging their equipment!
I could almost feel sorry for the people who spent several days erecting the mast and then several weeks tinkering with it. But since they left all the packaging from the various components strewn across the surrounding area, as well as several piles of cigarette butts and water bottles, I kind of feel they got what they deserved.
@umhamza, online account services will be available soon so customers can view their usage themselves
@hamza, what do you mean? It's on the website, in the brochure, it's everywhere. Most networks say that your credit expires at the end of the month. With Vodafone, it expires after two months.
Also with Flexi you are automatically charged. That's one of the main points of Flexi. You don't need to top up and get charged.
Otherwise, you should join Red and you can control how much you spend. Red = Hala = Prepaid
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
call their helpline 111
with vodafone you are never clear what is really rules
I bay 550 QR Flexi and I get around 800 balance .I did not finish my balance but i found out that I lost balance around 440 QR and they took from my account new 550 QR I call and they told me that if I don't spend my balance during 2 month they will delete what ever you still had on balance and windrow again amount mention in your application
I don't think that its right and if I new it that I will never bay Vodafone , also there representatives doesn't told me that when i was baying .If I new it that at list I will purchase 110 QR coz I now how much monthly I spend for telephone
Did anyone knows where we can complain ???
sabotage everyone including itself. Hope to see how Qtel will sabotage itself. Qtel is already shaking now, waiting for the crumbling effect from Vodafone's next offer.
hehe like come on these people are trying to be the first among the world
Seems they've learnt their lesson this time, as they've constructed 4 concrete bases around the new mast to connect the supporting cables to. I assume they got permission from the municipality to do this, as I know other requests for minor construction in that area has been outright refused.
Unfortunately it doesn't seem they've learnt about cleaning up after themselves, as all the empty bags from the concrete and various other new rubbish has been strewn across the area once again.
Yes, perhaps this is the proof that will convince me of God's existence ;)
It is always the lost that need my guidance
Why, do you have a lorry cab which you're going to use to come and steal the new mast?
Any addresses/locality
Life is too short to think about the uneditable past and plan about the unpredictable future!!!!!
So take a chill pill
Relax, enjoy and savour the moment till u can and it lasts.
qatari - nope, I didn't have my camera with me unfortunately, though I did notice that some of them were taking pictures of the broken mast!
When I went by this morning the old mast was still in the same state, and the new one was just sat there on the back of a lorry. Only in Qatar could you leave such a piece of equipment lying around safe in the knowledge that no-one is going to drive up, attach their lorry cab, and drive off with it!
Yippee, Yippeee, its GORDONS gin for me!
WINNER Gordons Gin Personal Consumption Award 2008 Hic!
qtel monopoly is really really not good, not only in terms of charges/pricing but also in terms of services.
try calling 111, it takes forever to connect to the call center agent. its like qtel was saying, "ok, our services isnt dat good but you have no choice, bwahahaha!!!"
well, this is qatar anyway, and i know somehow they will improve (probably).
"give the man a half of a fish, you'll feed him for a day. teach the man how to catch fish, be sure to let him sign a franchise clause."
so did you snap a picture of the suits?
Thanks Besty. I guess Qtel have never got round to replacing their COWs with permanent sites.
You'll see a whole load of these temporary sites around Doha just now (and probably for some time to come!) The permanent sites are the ones surrounded by a permanent (walled or fenced) compound.
The ones on the photo are called COWs (Cell On Wheels). They're NORMALLY used to enhance coverage in a particular area or for a particular event.
They are often used by a Network Operator when a permanent site is not available ie the network is being built (as is the case with Vodafone). However, they are also used when planning permission for a permanent site is in progress or when permission is only given to install a temporary site.
A new mast arrived at the site this evening. There were approximately 20 people from various levels of hierarchy (boiler suits right through to suit & ties) wandering around looking a little confused as to what to do next.
lol no comments
It was the QTel Ninjas..
They used stealth and long lost mystical powers to bring down the mast and thus render the Vodfone site inoperable..
nice beginning for vodafone
its seem nothing to say more lol
any way Q-tel already bought over 50 % of Vodafone
so legally Vodafone become Q-tel property hahahahah
noting change
I don't see real competition here, most probably a new cartel.
Well fake or not, the competition has already sparked Qtel into action with new promotions. All my calls and texts are now 10% cheaper than a month ago.
there may be some fake competition but its not real competition.
QTel is govt owned and Vodafone Qatar is 64% government owned!!
it's good to see some competition here... monopoly is not good for the people... i hope rent prices gets lower too...
I'm going to stick with Qtel too. I've never had an issue with them, they've recently made my calls cheaper, plus Vodafone left loads of rubbish scattered around behind my compound.
Viable option for those who don't need landline.
And suppose to be fast even on the uplink...
You can't teach experience...
You can't teach experience...
Vodafone Qatar is owned as follows;
Click the link for bigger picture.
I've no idea if there's one guy involved with both Qtel and Vodafone though.
any foreign company operate in Qatar must have 51 percents qatari partnership ...
Does anyone knows the law have change?
ooOOopppssSSS... sorry page under construction
call me ONE.
wireless data netwrok they are advertising...
Also heard the guy that owns Qtel is part owner of Vodaphone...
You can't teach experience...
Betsy, that's pretty much what I said in the original post.
I'm intrigued though - what determines the difference between a fixed mast and a temporary one? There is a mobile unit like this one near Landmark mall that has been there for years - would you class that as fixed or temporary? How long does a mast have to stay somewhere to no longer be classed as temporary?
This is a mobile facility so not associated with a Qtel site. The agreement means they will share the fixed masts, nothing to do with these temporary locations.
I think you'll find it was either poor quality workmanship when installing the mast or there was a fault with the tower itself.
"we make sure the problem will happen again and again."
call me ONE.
Qtel, we not only fixing your problem, we make sure the problem will never happen again ... Thats their 'jingle' on the phone everytime I ring to complain about the internet :D
No way, it was undercover Q-Tel operatives. This is war people! Next Q-Tel will start giving intermittant service and our internet will fail all the time....oh wait, that already happens...:P
this is so qatar., :)
call me ONE.
Probably something like that amnesia. Judging by the number of times they re-visited the mast over the last two months and fiddled around with it, it doesn't really surprise me that it didn't hold up in the storm.
It looks to be an issue with the actual strength of the rods. I guess one of the cables wasn't rooted in deep enough?
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
I wasnt thinking you meant it but there is a possibility after all Qtel has existed by itself for a long time... maybe a little (not-so) sibling rivalry :D
Yes you're right kyuting, they have signed an agreement to that effect. I was just joking about possibility of sabotage!
didnt they just sign an agreement to share on their cellsites?
if this is a sign of what vodafone will bring in to Qatar then we are stuck with Qtel then. :)