Milan, On the first day of your duty from today , head straight away to your senior most manager's office ....... Be serious with your talk , don't give even a hint of smile , keep a stony fixed face ...... This is secret ........ speak very less ...... when you notice she / he has a worry expression on her face that is the moment to ask for , borrow money ...... You will see the magic .......... Do not sit there for a coffee / biscuit etc ...... Within 3 days you will see the amount in your salary account ..... straight way ........ Good luck ........
Sun 05.04.2020 12.22 hrs
Milan, On the first day of your duty from today , head straight away to your senior most manager's office ....... Be serious with your talk , don't give even a hint of smile , keep a stony fixed face ...... This is secret ........ speak very less ...... when you notice she / he has a worry expression on her face that is the moment to ask for , borrow money ...... You will see the magic .......... Do not sit there for a coffee / biscuit etc ...... Within 3 days you will see the amount in your salary account ..... straight way ........ Good luck ........
Sun 05.04.2020 12.22 hrs