Looking for loan

By milanfzl79 •
I am looking for someone who can lend me Qr 15,000 very urgently even with interest. I can settle it within maximum of six months... I can provide security Cheques and even give my passport as security. Pls help me...
I give Collateral and Non Collateral loans with a range amount of 5,000 to 10,000,000 . If you want a loan and you have a bad credit, no problem contact me via e-mail: [email protected]
Milan, On the first day of your duty from today , head straight away to your senior most manager's office ....... Be serious with your talk , don't give even a hint of smile , keep a stony fixed face ...... This is secret ........ speak very less ...... when you notice she / he has a worry expression on her face that is the moment to ask for , borrow money ...... You will see the magic .......... Do not sit there for a coffee / biscuit etc ...... Within 3 days you will see the amount in your salary account ..... straight way ........ Good luck ........
Sun 05.04.2020 12.22 hrs
Please drop mail to me
Cheque is no more a guarantee for return of money...
With a cheque, upon dispute the judge can only give jail terms to the defaulter, there is no guarantee of return of the money. After the jail terms, the person is free to roam around and only condition that travel ban will be in place.
Also a passport can be re-issued telling that it has been lost.
Better ask Relatives, Friends or people who know you.
World has changed and all are updated. For example , if you go outside and search for an open Wifi, you will find none, all have secured their wifi with a password .