By the By, Your ID can be issued within 3 Months without fine and within any number of years with Fine of QAR 10 per day for the period after 3 months.
If Mandoob forget password, there is forgot password button and new password will arrive on registered mobile number. Whats the big deal. its so simple.
Bring in some close realtive of the child and send her along the only option.
And you may speak to Captain of Immigration..they are very helpful and kind...But make sure it is the captain ..if it is someone else ..they will say
Well said Acchabaccha.
By the By, Your ID can be issued within 3 Months without fine and within any number of years with Fine of QAR 10 per day for the period after 3 months.
If Mandoob forget password, there is forgot password button and new password will arrive on registered mobile number. Whats the big deal. its so simple.
Bring in some close realtive of the child and send her along the only option.
And you may speak to Captain of Immigration..they are very helpful and kind...But make sure it is the captain ..if it is someone else ..they will say
No No No.... Go Go Go