Yes name and shame, so that they can do better customer service going forward. They need to rebuild their reputation in the market through name and shaming. If they are confident to come out from their previous wrong doing and they stand by their branding and commitment towards better customer services. They should be able to come out of this. But instead they are sheltered and hidden, for they cowardly actions. How will they be able to building a strong brand image, under such disguise. Shame! Shame!
Yes name and shame, so that they can do better customer service going forward. They need to rebuild their reputation in the market through name and shaming. If they are confident to come out from their previous wrong doing and they stand by their branding and commitment towards better customer services. They should be able to come out of this. But instead they are sheltered and hidden, for they cowardly actions. How will they be able to building a strong brand image, under such disguise. Shame! Shame!