Personally I think the atomic bombs were justified. The whole of Japan was one huge war machine. The people of China, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia and many islands in the pacific were not sorry to see the Japanese defeated.
Korea for instance was not just conquered by forced to become Japanese but inforcing the Japanese language and using their women as sex slaves.
If you look at the horrific battles the Brits and Americans fought against the Japanese taking the mainland would have been a disaster in lost lives on both sides.
Personally I think the atomic bombs were justified. The whole of Japan was one huge war machine. The people of China, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia and many islands in the pacific were not sorry to see the Japanese defeated.
Korea for instance was not just conquered by forced to become Japanese but inforcing the Japanese language and using their women as sex slaves.
If you look at the horrific battles the Brits and Americans fought against the Japanese taking the mainland would have been a disaster in lost lives on both sides.