I guess the thread has gone in a particular direction. There isn't any hard and fast rule reg. working hrs or what she must do and what not since the need of two families may be entirely different and she is there to fullfil an identified need. Bottomline though stays that she needs to be treated fair and paid a fair wage commensurate to the work she does. Same goes for working hrs depending on ones own need though not suggesting that she should be working 24x7 or all through the night...for sure with necessary breaks to get rest and time for herself...when and how can always be worked out, again based on individual requirments and again a bit more or a bit less.
I guess the thread has gone in a particular direction. There isn't any hard and fast rule reg. working hrs or what she must do and what not since the need of two families may be entirely different and she is there to fullfil an identified need. Bottomline though stays that she needs to be treated fair and paid a fair wage commensurate to the work she does. Same goes for working hrs depending on ones own need though not suggesting that she should be working 24x7 or all through the night...for sure with necessary breaks to get rest and time for herself...when and how can always be worked out, again based on individual requirments and again a bit more or a bit less.