I've been involved with a few road rage incidents, but in my defense I get involved in incidents with men face to face, I just don't suddenly become a tough guy when I get behind the wheel, but I never scream and I've never been involved in a dispute with a woman.

My x wife loves Kettle Corn, I don't know what it is, sweet popcorn or something, anyway we went to two places yesterday looking for it on the way home from golf.

I bought stuff at both places and was asked the same question by the cashiers..."Did you find everything you need"

I said "yes thanks for asking" to the female cashier at Safeway and heres my exchange with the male at King Soopers

Cashier: Sir, did you find everything you need today?
Me: No
Cashier: made sad face
Me: Well go get someone to go look in the back for it
Cashier: Wha?
Me: Why did you ask me that F-ing question if you can't do anything about it?
Cashier: Sir?
Me: I didn't find everything I need, I need Kettle Corn
Cashier: Well ah, i don't know what to do, ah what?
Me: Don't ask me questions for no F-ing reason
Cashier: [looks like hes gonna start crying]
Me: Go get the manager

They were out of Kettle corn but the Female manager gave me a big bag of Carmel Corn. We had a nice chat, she was a little cubby redhead with glasses, but very cute and I told her she should be doing hair commercials..beautiful hair