The reason they implant so many eggs is that so few of them will actually stick. There's plenty of people who get 9 eggs implanted and end up not pregnant, or only carry one to term. When you go in, it's with the stipulation that IF all of the eggs implant (or too many implant, which is again a 1/100,000 chance) you will selectively abort down to a reasonable number (say quadruplets).
Actually here are the statistics for the chances of a live birth with IVF:
# For women younger than 35, the percentage of live births per cycle is 39.6%.
# For women ages 35 to 37, the percentage of live births per cycle is 30.5%.
# For women ages 38 to 40, the percentage of live births per cycle is 20.9%.
# For women ages 41 to 42, the percentage of live births per cycle is 11.5%.
# For women ages 43, the percentage of live births per cycle is 6.2%.
So even at the optimal age, of under 35, less than half of IVF treatments (and this does mean multiple implantation) will result in a live birth of one child.
IVF is extremely expensive as well, and the funny thing is the women who stupidly choose to try and carry 8 and 9 babies to term already have children? This mexican woman has triplets, Geraldine Broderick has 2 girls, and Octomom, well, she already had 6 kids!
The ones that choose to carry out these risky pregnancies are just attention seekers in my book.
The reason they implant so many eggs is that so few of them will actually stick. There's plenty of people who get 9 eggs implanted and end up not pregnant, or only carry one to term. When you go in, it's with the stipulation that IF all of the eggs implant (or too many implant, which is again a 1/100,000 chance) you will selectively abort down to a reasonable number (say quadruplets).
Actually here are the statistics for the chances of a live birth with IVF:
# For women younger than 35, the percentage of live births per cycle is 39.6%.
# For women ages 35 to 37, the percentage of live births per cycle is 30.5%.
# For women ages 38 to 40, the percentage of live births per cycle is 20.9%.
# For women ages 41 to 42, the percentage of live births per cycle is 11.5%.
# For women ages 43, the percentage of live births per cycle is 6.2%.
So even at the optimal age, of under 35, less than half of IVF treatments (and this does mean multiple implantation) will result in a live birth of one child.
IVF is extremely expensive as well, and the funny thing is the women who stupidly choose to try and carry 8 and 9 babies to term already have children? This mexican woman has triplets, Geraldine Broderick has 2 girls, and Octomom, well, she already had 6 kids!
The ones that choose to carry out these risky pregnancies are just attention seekers in my book.