so you really think schools here hire non-native speakers of English as teachers of English because of their competence.
ok i am going to state the reason just in case you do not know: they hire non-native speakers just because they are cheaper to hire than someone let's say from Canada or Australia.
everyday, I see so many signs on the streets in Arabic where the arabic is wrong to say the least. sometimes i pause for a while to understand what they meant though i am a native speaker of Arabic.
you know why? because signboard shops hire non-native speakers of arabic who usually come from Asia to do the arabic signs. and that happens for one reason because it is way to cheaper to hire an Asian than an Arab.
so when the criterion of hiring is not professionalism but low price, then you get low quality.
usually employers hire non-native speakers of English or Arabic just because they are cheapers and not for any other reason.
Yes, there are people who are not native speakers and achieve high level of language competency but they are minority not the majority.
so you really think schools here hire non-native speakers of English as teachers of English because of their competence.
ok i am going to state the reason just in case you do not know: they hire non-native speakers just because they are cheaper to hire than someone let's say from Canada or Australia.
everyday, I see so many signs on the streets in Arabic where the arabic is wrong to say the least. sometimes i pause for a while to understand what they meant though i am a native speaker of Arabic.
you know why? because signboard shops hire non-native speakers of arabic who usually come from Asia to do the arabic signs. and that happens for one reason because it is way to cheaper to hire an Asian than an Arab.
so when the criterion of hiring is not professionalism but low price, then you get low quality.
usually employers hire non-native speakers of English or Arabic just because they are cheapers and not for any other reason.
Yes, there are people who are not native speakers and achieve high level of language competency but they are minority not the majority.