me too, just this morning they've deducted an amount of more than 500 Riyals...

I'm beginning to understand that they've credited the principal liquidation amount to your account then they debited it again as payment, then they've just deducted the remaining amount of your monthly payment for your loan.

When I went to the bank last monday, they've told me that they've deducted the loan payment for all mashreq customer twice, one payment is still on hold..but the problem is, it's not showing on our bank statement online...but when you calculate it, the remaining balance + the loan payment the total will match with what is the remaining on your account.

CS 44083333 is useless, their system doesn't tie up with the details on your internet banking.

Everyday I keep on opening my internet banking and printing all the details as proof of what's happening on my account and keeping it for future reference.

One thing I really hate on what's happening, why they didn't inform us? They just do what they wanna do and make their customer freaking.