Hopefully the police and CID have the initiative to widen their search.
But searching in a Garage right now will not leads you to find it, I am sure he will keep the Car for a period of time before send it to repair or worst he will invite someone in his house to start an initial minor repair. he can easily change the headlight and the bumper.
PeterGriffin is right, Search all Camry's towards the incident area,they can do the search on cameras in a certain radius of when it happened and track him down, before and after the incident happened.
Hopefully the police and CID have the initiative to widen their search.
But searching in a Garage right now will not leads you to find it, I am sure he will keep the Car for a period of time before send it to repair or worst he will invite someone in his house to start an initial minor repair. he can easily change the headlight and the bumper.
PeterGriffin is right, Search all Camry's towards the incident area,they can do the search on cameras in a certain radius of when it happened and track him down, before and after the incident happened.