Yesterday night around 0130am I was driving back home from my office with my friend. We drive a 1998 blue color jeep Cherokee from Muntaza signal heading industrial area. When we stop in the D-Ringroad new signal intersection (previously it was a runabout) between New Salata and Fereej Al Ali suddenly a white Toyota New Camry 2006-2010 model hit us from the back in high speed. Our car hit and pushed by that Camry until we're stranded underneath a truck which is stopped for a signal in our front right side. For a moment we got shocked and neck pain due to the impact, then we start to get out of the car to check the car. When we get out suddenly that Camry driven by an arabic guy passed us and ran through the red signal even he was heavily damage on his front right side. Three cars coming from his right side (from shamal highway heading to airport) almost hit him coz their signal is green, but this car slowly but sure keep zigzag trying to escape and turn off all his light so we are difficult to read his plate number from a distance. We can't chase him coz we are stranded on the truck and the red signal, but we saw that Camry running slowly entering a service road in Fereej Al Ali and gone in the dark. Looks like he's also doubt whether to stop and show his responsibility or to run, or maybe he's drunk coz he ran through the red signal which is traffic coming from his right side was so crowd. We try to chase him and search through out Fereej Al Ali but we can't find him anymore, seems like he's hiding somewhere inside the villa in Fereej Al Ali. We have made a report to 999 and the police suggest us to go to Mamoura traffic police to make a criminal report coz hit and run is considered as a criminal, no more a traffic violation. Now we have to wait for a week to enable the CID do his investigation as we don't have that Camry plate number. Unfortunately in that intersection the speed camera was yet to be install.
In this regards, I kindly ask a help from all the people in Qatar Living, who ever saw a White 2006-2010 Toyota Camry who's having a major damage in front right side including his headlight, hood and bumper please inform the police or email to me so I can check the car with the CID officer. I still remember some accessories on that Camry, so I believe I can recognize the car which hit me. Now me and CID searching through the whole garage in Industrial Area including Fereej Al Ali until Abu Hamour area looking for that Camry, hope we can find the suspect..
i d say its diffcult...... but not immposible.... Thank God ur ok... didnt u ask the people around ya if they saw the number plates of the car....the truck driver for instance?
I hope police can trace the suspect from a CCTV nearby..
I think it is because of the general impression you take by seeing police on signals on their iphones or BBM and then those who follow girls and hit on them. You do not see this anywhere and this gives the impression that they do not do their job.
But i still think complaints are taken seriously and they can track down anyone they want. All it takes is their character recognition Software on their cameras, the time, and/or the plate # and Hit Enter.
It's kinda funny how ppl in here keep sayin police is useless 'n can't do s***T. has any of you tried to contact with the Doha police or report a problem and got the cold shoulders? I highly doubt. go and check with the traffic depart I’m sure you will get better help from them than all these useless comments.
CCTV is instnalled in every major signal in Doha catching your man’d be a piece of cake.
normally police can use the Muntazah Signal cameras, i think he ll be cought... just give them time.
i fact if he is drunk or having no licence, you ll have to pay all the damages as insurance will not recognize it. they will ask him to pay or they will put him in jail, if he doesn t have money, you ll have to pay all !!! good luck
well i dont think you can narrow down every single camry in doha! but that was stupid of him really..........
Hopefully the police and CID have the initiative to widen their search.
But searching in a Garage right now will not leads you to find it, I am sure he will keep the Car for a period of time before send it to repair or worst he will invite someone in his house to start an initial minor repair. he can easily change the headlight and the bumper.
PeterGriffin is right, Search all Camry's towards the incident area,they can do the search on cameras in a certain radius of when it happened and track him down, before and after the incident happened.
It was irresponsible for him to run away like that. But I think you wont get much out of this search anyway.
IF you gave them the time they can DEF pull out a search on cameras in a certain radius of when it happened and track him down. Especially at that time, I don't think there will be tens of camrys
Good luck but don't build your hopes up of the police doing anything even if you can find the car.