kareena as your article has stated "Christians make a tiny minority of less than 2%" and from that u want to debate about the rest of the 98% ????

cum on u lack common sense......its not even a ratio of 50 x 50 we are talking about the majority here.... why on earth u want to add the rape crime to the list of other problems existing in Pakistan....just for the sake of argument????

only for the sake of argument u r trying to show a negative picture.... shame on u....U have nothing positive to talk about and then u r sharing ur personal experiences in one to the other thread about a crazy couple ....I am as well talking from my personal experience tooo...I havent seen this crime happening around the place where I have lived back home. Yes we are worried to be robbed quite often when one step outside but no we arent worried to be raped back home.

Rape does happen in Pakistan even if it happened to 1 person we cant deny I have sympothy for those victims even if they were nonmuslims they were human.... but in Pakistan its still not a big big issue as the big majority is still safe from this otherwise epidemic, if we compare to our neighbour country