And another thing- before you decide to criticize more- put yourself in my position with an open mind.

Imagine, you graduate from university and get your first job- and you are forced to support someone. She has a degree in Marketing and PR- but she is lazy to find a job. She has nowhere else to go- would you get rid of her?

Well, I found her a job instead. For two years I paid for everything and supported her fully. She took advantage of me and took me for granted as she never even bothered to try finding a job to help with the rent and she could see I was struggling (what do you expect from a fresh graduate earning a low salary?) and did i even complain once? NO. I supported her without question. She screwed me and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. She took my kindness for weakness and exploited me with the fact that she has NOWHERE to go if I leave her. Absolutely nowhere.

So now that I've been doing the right thing for two years- this one action immediately cancels everything I have done for her? Without me she wouldn't be anywhere! She would have to go back to Lebanon with conservative parents who would force her to marry immediately. I kept her dream of being in Dubai alive and I helped her escape a much worse fate.

Why am I the bad guy?