sort of disagree with you in the hooting for service thing.

When I go to the farm, I stop off in a little shop in Muaither that is usually full of men. I am sure you know what these stores are like.... little space, small isles and people trying to squeeze past one another.

I don't feel very comfortable going into these stores, but I usually buy our cooldrinks and water from there on the way to the farm, so yes, I stop and hoot outside to save myself the inconvenience of being pushed up against and stared at while inside the shop. There are about 4 young guys that do the running between cars and are always curteous and helpful. Do note, I do this only when there are many cars outside the shop. I do go in when the parking is empty.

My mom employed a maid while I was growing up and we lived in a huge house, but I was taught neatness and cleanliness from a young age. Even after my dad died and we moved to a smaller place and my mom could no longer afford to employ someone to help her, you could have eaten off her floors they were so spotless - and my room was a model compared to some of my friends....

To this day, I hate mess and disordily homes. I have 2 cats and 2 dogs and clean my own flat, which can be daunting at times.