Food trays

While i was eating some KFC in the City Centre mall yesterday I noticed that almost all guests left their food tray and trash on the tables for the workers to clean up. It was embarrassing to see what a mess some people made and than leave without any concerns.
Besides the fact that those people are giving the wrong example to, for example children I think it is those, same people who make such a disgusting mess on the nice public beaches of Qatar.
Come on clean up after yourself and raise your eyebrows to people who do not seem to care.
Take care
:-) x
ok... same wavelength now:-)'re completely justified... :-) I too would do the same thing if I felt uncomfortable going in a particular store. This isn't down to laziness at all. I left a store just yesterday because I was being followed...
I'm talking about the kind of people who can't be arsed to go through the drive through at McDonalds but park up outside and honk for someone to come out. That's just wanting to jump the queue.
they leave soiled nappies on the beach.
stop your deep shyte discussion, i will let the mod to clean your mess here....
Just to be clear, I saw people of ALL nationalities leave their trash on tables. Also on the beach it is all kinds of people who leave behind their trash.
Just want to be clear..
Yes most qatari's arent intelligent and are rude and full of themselve's i admit this =(
well said!
Thank you all for the feed back.
Yes i see the point of there being service staff. Those service staff people should only break down trays at the trash bin, keep the trash area neat, sweep, assist with spills and most important ---SANITIZE---- the tables..... Yes think about the 20 people who sat at your table before you touch it...
If it looks normal to leave trash in a food court, it is hard to explain to a new generation why they can not leave trash in other public places.
I am happy to read that some in this tread DO take the effort to clean up after them selfs and I hope that they take pride in getting an interesting look from all the ignorant people.
I do not think it is inconsiderate, either leaving behind trays at the food court or hooting your car in front of a, in Qatar. Here in Qatar people are employed to cater to these things. Do I think this is right? Well, that really is of no consequence whatsoever, as it is not my job to change things here.
sort of disagree with you in the hooting for service thing.
When I go to the farm, I stop off in a little shop in Muaither that is usually full of men. I am sure you know what these stores are like.... little space, small isles and people trying to squeeze past one another.
I don't feel very comfortable going into these stores, but I usually buy our cooldrinks and water from there on the way to the farm, so yes, I stop and hoot outside to save myself the inconvenience of being pushed up against and stared at while inside the shop. There are about 4 young guys that do the running between cars and are always curteous and helpful. Do note, I do this only when there are many cars outside the shop. I do go in when the parking is empty.
My mom employed a maid while I was growing up and we lived in a huge house, but I was taught neatness and cleanliness from a young age. Even after my dad died and we moved to a smaller place and my mom could no longer afford to employ someone to help her, you could have eaten off her floors they were so spotless - and my room was a model compared to some of my friends....
To this day, I hate mess and disordily homes. I have 2 cats and 2 dogs and clean my own flat, which can be daunting at times.
I actually like that hooting for service thing.... wanna try it out some day...:)
I tried it a few times before marriage when I was unemployed,tutoring kids from my neighborhood, and must say I sucked..happy to hear you thought so though =D
maybe...I occasionally have horrible aim it makes sense....accidently getting it all over the seat and pissing all over the walls are two different things...isnt it..:)
FatimaH... I am moved...:)
Yeah i always do that xD I Just noticed that i left the food then left with my friends... But yeah everyone else does it so its fine really it's not like were destroying the place
You remind me of my teacher when I was a kid:) Are you a teacher?
Happy - It's the same, one is manufactured garbage and one is organic garbage. They are both waste created from consuming product ;)
Let me tone it down for you so it's not SO extreme:
1) I eat and I leave my waste behind because I know someone is getting paid to clean it up. It is waste created by my sitting and eating at that table...It's not inadvertent, I am aware I am leaving it there for someone else to deal with.
2) I go to the bathroom and accidentally get it all over the seat. I didn't intentionally do it...but I am aware that I left some organic waste behind. Knowing that someone gets paid to clean the bathroom, I should just leave it there? No...that is not considerate.
It's the same. We as common society just happen to not care about the food garbage, yet our own organic waste is disgusting. Overall my point is It's the same principle of consideration for others.
that's a relief..must admit you had me worried there =)
There are places where tight considerations are called for and this does not include food courts:)
Of course if invite me in any occassion you would see the elegance and manners of a knight in my person:)
Smoked.Salmon....creation of garbage in the form leftovers after eating and creating something of that sort in the Mcdonalds toilet as you stated IMO are two different things... one is an outcome of an act, the other is an act in itself.
I must say,Mashallah I've never understood you to be inconsiderate or bad mannered judging by your posts up to now so pleased to know this =)
I admire your concerns...but Qatar is a free society. People will act by their learned morals.
Unless the food court will be subject to rules...don't expect the desirable morals to be in place.
No Happygolucky - They are intentionally leaving their garbage on the table knowing that someone is getting paid to clean it up...It is exactly inline with the discussion. It's disgusting and lazy.
FatimaH... I am with the OP and the feelings of being considerate as you said... just was trying something else by that post...anyways, will leave it there.
its attitude like this that makes people so inconsiderate and ill mannered?And how many times do we seek better from others be it on the roads or anywhere?And even if others were to behave this way should we do the same? IMO its just wrong!
Smoked.Salmon..your mention of act at Mcdonalds toilet isnt in line with the discussion....there is a difference between inadvertent and intentional.
If you can't afford, and if you want to eat, and you are looking for manners..the perfect place is your home. Don't leave your house with an empty stomach.
Restaurants and Foodcourts knows the consumers attitude that's why they hire cleaners.
judging by the number of workers on duty which is at most around three on a good day!
On the contrary. They are doing their part (albeit inadvertently) to create jobs for the clean up crews.
Not a problem
So why make it hard on those who can't afford better? After all it takes very little effort to simply clear your table, pick your tray and dunk it in the garbage!
If the place is not clean, there's always another nice and clean food shops.
The big deal is that animals eat and leave their garbage around them, I am not saying shine the table and spray antiseptics around you.. just if you spill ketchup or mayonnaise on the table or chair, it is not really a degrade to whipe it out and throw your tray's contents in the garbage.
Its about being considerate. As you know in food courts its always a rush. And only a few workers on duty and you have to go hunt them to clear up someone else's mess so you can use the table. And the mess can be horrid! Now if each one just cared enough to just go empty their trays imagine how much more better it would make the situtaion? Specially for mom's like me who go to the malls alone with just our kids, trust me it makes a huge difference!
It's the principle of manners. You should clean up after yourself. Service crews are there to clean up the mess from eating (spilled juice, food remnants, mop the floors etc). The garbages are in a public place for a reason - to be used by the public.
This kind of attitude would be going to the toilet at McDonalds and pissing all over the wall...meh, they have mops...and they're getting paid to clean the restroom anyways, I might as well LET ER FLY!
Even in restaurants, when its peak time, people wait by the side of the table with all the left over food and dishes lying there to be cleaned up...whats the big deal in leaving it in food courts...not that I always leave them there...but just want to know while we are on the discussion.
So true Smoked.Salmon, I totally agree.
But seriously, in a country where some people are so damn lazy and honk for service rather than get out of their car are never going to clean up after themselves.
The attitude "what are they paid for?" makes me sick!
hye.... somebody is waiting for ur balance or part of ur food....They r waiting when u r leaving!!!
This is happened more than 2 time, when i was there....
Then Cleaning staff job!!!!!
The fact is these people are very inconsiderate. Mind you I'm not talking about restaurants where the set up is of course different. Its the food courts. where a person's mess is not immediately cleared up hence troublesome to even the next person who comes by too.
you can not control all things. this is happening every where.
They have service crews to tkae care of the mess.
Its pretty bad when people raise eyebrows at you FOR cleaning up your own table... It happens to me every time. This local generation has no manners
can i ask u 1 qstn wat r these workers hav 2 do thn.. ??
Specially the ones who when reprimanded reply "isn't that what there paid for" Subhanallah! Makes me want to throw up. Is it really hard to do your own work? If nothing else think of the fitness benefits then!
we bring our lunch box. no need to clean...
One thing that's good eating outside is that you don't need to manage your dishes.
yeah man, its pathetic. Im sometimes suprised they dont expect people to chew their food for them and spit in their mouths like mothers do for their baby birds... or that people dont suffocate because they cant be bothered to breathe