beautynbrain, there is a computer in every aircraft which is called FMC ( Flight management computer ) we insert the flight plan in it, including the weight of the aircraft, fuel quantity. Then there is a display called naivgation display which shows you the course line, weather, other aircrafts through the a system call tcas ( Traffic collision avoidance system ) in 747 ND is in the center pedastal and in airbus 310, 318, 319, 320, 321, 330, 340 has 2 navigation display one on the captains side and one on the first officer side.....
dyonski, i have been posting pictures for the last 2 years, on famous forums like, even etihad page on facebook.....
beautynbrain, there is a computer in every aircraft which is called FMC ( Flight management computer ) we insert the flight plan in it, including the weight of the aircraft, fuel quantity. Then there is a display called naivgation display which shows you the course line, weather, other aircrafts through the a system call tcas ( Traffic collision avoidance system ) in 747 ND is in the center pedastal and in airbus 310, 318, 319, 320, 321, 330, 340 has 2 navigation display one on the captains side and one on the first officer side.....
dyonski, i have been posting pictures for the last 2 years, on famous forums like, even etihad page on facebook.....