I quite like Doug Stanhope's tale on Moral police...
"Every vice is already a punishment in itself. There should be no such thing as a vice law: every vice is only a bad habit and the punishment is inherent in the act. You smoke cigarettes you get cancer, you die, you don't need a ticket on top of it . . . You gamble, you lose your money, the house has the edge, it's a punishment in itself. You watch too much porno, it diminishes your taste for the kind of girls that will actually f*** you."
I quite like Doug Stanhope's tale on Moral police...
"Every vice is already a punishment in itself. There should be no such thing as a vice law: every vice is only a bad habit and the punishment is inherent in the act. You smoke cigarettes you get cancer, you die, you don't need a ticket on top of it . . . You gamble, you lose your money, the house has the edge, it's a punishment in itself. You watch too much porno, it diminishes your taste for the kind of girls that will actually f*** you."
He's kinda got a point...