It all depends on how mature the two are. Meaning not in age but emotionally. Every marriage can be worked and the seemingly happier ones can fall apart.
We are discussing all this keeping education, perceptions as considered normal for a certain strata of society. But there are some communities where wife beating is considered normal to keep them 'in line'. Though it is disgusting and quite below the dignity of a gentleman to do such , it is the inevitable truth and women in such communitie too accept this. Two end of the spectrum I guess
It all depends on how mature the two are. Meaning not in age but emotionally. Every marriage can be worked and the seemingly happier ones can fall apart.
We are discussing all this keeping education, perceptions as considered normal for a certain strata of society. But there are some communities where wife beating is considered normal to keep them 'in line'. Though it is disgusting and quite below the dignity of a gentleman to do such , it is the inevitable truth and women in such communitie too accept this. Two end of the spectrum I guess