158 Married men commit suicide per day!

Yesterday I saw a news about a Police Sub inspector committed suicide.... In his suicide note he had written about the domestic violence he had gone through....
International studies world over have proved that both men and women are equally likely to be victims of domestic violence, but unfortunately the Indian government has closed its doors very brutally on the men leaving them to fend for themselves on their own. Even the courts have an anti – men and a step – motherly attitude towards men “Though men are victims of violence, the law always favors women.
170,000 husbands have subjected to Domestic Violence in 12 years with a daily average of 158 per day and yet the Govt. and the society are not taking it seriously.
158 married men commit suicide every day in India! Due to
1. Unrealistic expectations from the society
2. Non acceptance.
3. Continued harassment and neglected by family.
Do men deserve such a treatment? Why men are always blamed in Domestic voilence??
I have been hearing good and bad news about dating sites and was wondering if these things actually work. The thing is that I’m 6’3″ and I’m looking to date tall girls only.Is it worth joining dating sites, if so which ones? Or is there any other place where tall girls can be found?
online dating
that;s fine...as a woman I am used to it...;)
no probs, i'll still blame my suicidal headache on you tomorrow.
ahhh...tonight...I am straight out of luck then..no can do.
ok nomerci, my farewell drinks tonight at paloma.
Wouldn't that be just great for the surviving men? Less competition :P
No wonder, by the end of this world there wil be More Ladies and Less Men LOL
deep...lol wonder why she is forcing POV about marriage into others.... no wonder with this attitude no HUMAN being can tolerate her..forget about Indian men...loool this explains why she is kicked out of Qatar..
I am planning to change my gender to marry someone like her...looool
nicely done sun. You decide to launch your personal attacks against me as well eh? Unfortunately I don't fit your criteria of Indian Husbands as I'm not a married man. FS, are you a married Indian MALE as well? :P
Is suffering from ............!! and desperatley looking for a non indian to marry her..lol
Sunny get well soon and dont mind what i said..you have every right to feel the way you do. I just hope that you feel better. g nite.
are you taking advil PM's???
Colt, good night, I hope one Avil will be enuff or you will be missing sun26872 too.
Cockroach is the real parasite...try this http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_do_you_do_if_a_cockroach_bites_you
that is why cockroach was missing over here... now we know she was at your house all this time :-)
I think I better go to bed
I am not joking.......seriously, I am bitten by a cockroach on my neck.........an its itchy & red
flan...maybe. But first you have to do the needful.
lol brit...did it turn pink?
Colt tomorrow sounds like Tomorrow...unless you change the spelling....lol
I am out of the Queue....lol Drac is still waiting in it...Colt get behind Drac...but not too close....
I tried it by sticking my head in an electric oven :O(
i am not close enough to you to check ur heartbeat... so cant say... but hey you the doctor. Do your self diagnosis.
Ok how about i come to the hospital and share your lunch.. i like hospital food when i'm not the patient ;-)
Colt .........tommorrow I will be in the hospital.....as a patient.....I think.........BTW cockroach bites are painful
Shapil......disaster..........I just got bitten by a cockroach.............am I dying?
i would really like to take you out to lunch.. how does tomorrow sound for you??? :-)
no need for tips..its quite easy to use...even a doctor can use it.
do they provide any tips on the best way?
If you cant tolerate then kill them all...Gosh, I will even lend u my Gun and its fully loaded.
All men are from Mars...indian or otherwise..."ALL are parasites."
Shapil, if you are a parasite and you talk like one its alright.........but I can't tolerate those who pretend.
you are a wise guy wk........now just go and find that furball who is chasing his tail......that ninkampoop
Whatever makes you feel good sun
Shapil.......who told you their are no men in this world.....other than Indian man......lolz
WK.........all variety exist.........but I am talking about the predominant variey..........you know like 99.999%
We all carry our truths with us. Even if 100% of indian men are like your husband...so what...next time get married to a woman.
Well actually it's your opinion and I don't care how you try to justify your husband's behaviour. Maybe thinking that 100 % of Indian men are like that helps you in your personal life, I don't know. As for reality, I can show you whatever reality you want to see, you want to see great men, i will show you in India, good men, them too, bad as well and a55holes and parasites as well. They all exist.
WK ......reality bites....but it's the first and last truth.
All Indian men are born parasite??
sun your husband was not the representative of the entire Indian population, rest you can think whatever pleases you.
what will it take to change ur mood? just dont ask me to be reborn as a parasite as being parasite seems to be birth defect and not an acquired one...maybe their mothers should have had proper diet :)
lolz ........shapil..........I am in no mood for that kind of talk..........all Indian men are born parasite.....they suck whomever they are with and then pretend to be victims.........always the beggars
maybe thats why he cannot get any good indian girl..:)..seems lot of angst here..Sunny all i can say is that some indian husbands are bad and some indian wifes are good.
Rahul is half Italian.......
Rishi there is one stupid cat who has difficulty in finding his tail end.......these comments are for him.
marriage turns them into bad politicians...all the good ones like Rahul ABVP never married.
sun, are you always like this...or its just one of these days?
Lolz shapil.........but in India all politicians are married.......marriage is full of politics....read the earlier posts..........how these eunuchs are shedding crocodile tears .......
Yeah politicians are real hypocrites...no wonder so few of them are married :)
Shapil I am talking about hypocrites who never do anything fair and square. They won't do bookings. They will play politics.
dowry??..considering the fast declining sex ratio nowadays husbands pay dowry to the wifes just to confirm their booking.
Nope, indian husband committ suicide when they fail to kill their bride for dowry........they go under depression with the very idea of 'work to earn a living'
Mostly indian husbands commit suicide after killing their wifes :)
See guys........I tried my level best to talk sense to you all......but you all won't listen. I met one Bhaiyyaji who was tortured by his wife and his wife didn't act like a normal woman. When I started digging deeper, I understood that whenever he hit her, she used to hit him back harder. He was continuously stressing......Don't you think it's abnormal?......I was left speechless. Since then my definition of 'tortured Indian husband' has changed.............lolz
So I am back.........hmmm........first my profound apology to those idiots who are have education of a clerk and are always looking out for clerical mistakes......namely hippoooocrites (a fat bald ugly MCP Indian husband who looks like hippopotamus)
Normallu sucidal tenedcy comes to a weak menatlity either a male or female,in this case statistics talk about men,probably they are all a part of Dowry victims, i mean those who have taken dowry and being treated as slaves by wives or inlaws,majority of them may be Zoru ka gulam,such people to overcome might have comitted sucide.but it looks very high figures
A good topic. Men are usually too gutless to admit they are being victimised by their wives. In addition, society would make fun of them if they did.
jack: Oh? Did she go on vacation?
wow watch "LIFE" in Discovery guys ..awesome
Khawaga....I am still looking forward to my 1st wife.....
Jack: does your wife know that you prefer to stay single?
Yeah so true...thats why I prefer to stay single....:P
hhmm..ok..will see tom'w..its late in MUMBAI now..will catch INDIAN IDOL...c u all tom'w..
Click on her signature line to see post from her old id, she had problem with her employer here.
pajju bro, i m still like a kid and prefers MAZZA over any soft drinks..lol
soniya have pepsi .. hey dil maange more HA HA !!!!!
ohh really wk..how do u know her then?? may i know her old id?? maybe i know her as well..
and buddy, welcome to my hijacking..
its ur turn now..lol..DID U SLEEP TODAY?? lol
The topic is getting hot here..so its time to hijack it..
FS, so where r u going for ur vacation this yr?? u had told us last time that u wanna visit ur neighbouring country(uruguay)..whats plan??
rishi,cool down..let us know some of ur best bengali foods..i forgot the bengali name for a food which is known as FISH COOKED IN MUSTARD OIL in english..can u let us know??
sun, where do u work buddy??are u an orthopaedician?? coz i need one ortho badly in doha once i will be bk..
FU, i have really kicked hard the guy who was behind my DIMPLES..
deepb, i have hardly ne interaction with u in past..but neways,join my hijacking..
arien, i swear i don't watch INDIA TV..lol
victory, the first pal of mine from QL..Hope our frdship last..lol
mehinis, thanx a lot for contributing ur precious time to devote one whole thread on me..Now i want u to do one more once i will be recovered fully..how is the idea?? lol
where is WK?? missed him here..
soniya this -sun26872, sun26872 got banned earlier.
Whoz this sun26872? Seems to be new entry on QL..HHMMMM..ok..so drmana, here u've got another DTR company..lol
victory,both of u r sharing quite similar figures..lol..whats this figures are all about?? can u both tell us??
I read today's GT.........enjoy more at QL debates!
LOL victory, Doha Debate is a good idea. Did you watch this seasons finale...It was for an interesting topic:
FU......make a new group of all 'FORCED singles' and like minded bashing unit!
We will arrange 'Doha Debate at BBC soon on this topic ;)
And it must be abolished immediately amongst singles specially.
sun26872 "hyppocracy of Indian men" ? really? would you mind telling us that great country where there is no hypocrats?
you are right sun... to me, whatver you said sounded like wht you faced yourself than an attack to anyone. and sorry about that.
replying to your Indian men hipocracy...
I feel you are a high-headed lady with strongly bitter experience with man.....thats a rare occurrence in Qatar :)
Sun, you made a personal attack on both Mehnis and FS. I do believe I'm neither a hippopotamus nor a hypocrite, whichever you are trying to accuse me of being. Just because you were in a bad relationship or a divorce, does not mean all men are bad. You can either try to move on with your life or remain bitter and blame the male sex for all your sadness.
And thats all I'm going to say to you on that. Try to stick to a decent conversation instead of passing judgments and throwing around personal attacks.
deepb none of comment are directed towards an individual even a blind person can see that.I said a very simple thing. I don't know why you all are so hurt........maybe because what I said is so true.......may be you know it in your hearts too........lolz....... Hippocracy of Indian men........it never stops amusing me.
Well I never intend to be behind my husband in anyway. My husband and I are equals and neither of us runs the marriage. But as Deepb said, different strokes for different folks, as long as both are happy in their roles it will be a happy marriage.
Rules need to be differ depends on a person's natural behaviour, experties and expectations.
Running a Family is not less challenging than running a Corporate House.
Sometimes you may find similar policies and rules to be drawn for harmonisation.
Remember, Love and care (emotions) cannot be manipulated easily, it has come naturally.
sun, what entitles you to come in and start making personal attacks in the middle of a normal conversation? I don't know about the bitter truth part but it sure does look like someone was in a failed relationship and is bitter about it. No prizes for guessing who.
ok sun, what advantage you see man can enjoy being unhappy with wife? her property or dowry she brought?
Why everyone is making such a fuss about marriage? If one is not prepared for it, better not to get married. If one thinks he is ready to care and share not only happiness but all the other things that comes with it, then only get married. As simple as that.
Sorry Arien. It should have been many instead of any!!!
And Sun please don't waste your breath. Not worth the trouble.
FS ......don't take my comment personally.....probably you are hurt.......but you can't have your cake and eat too. You cannot be in a marriage and yet crib......leave and find someone who will not use you like a doormat.........bitter truth, but honest.
sun I strongly disagree, not all men are like the ones you mentioned above or the ones you know in real!! Good men do exist in this world who treat their wives with respect and care!
You sound very much like an old user..lol
Mehnis, as I said, you are not talking of a marriage, you are talking of a profit making business. If you cared for your spouse, you will never feel you are a doormat and if you feel so, then it's the time you get out of that marriage. But you won't because you know you despite of your crocodile's tear, you have nothing but advantages in the so called marriage. My dear friend, then why not be honest and show some gratitude to your partner? But you won't do that. Instead you will maintain that crying face because you are greedy and you want more from her. You are a sucker, mate. Accept it.
Thats what I was trying to say deep...expectations are different. If the couple has common expectation it will be much easy to attain success.
There is a big difference between emotionally strong wife and a dominating wife.
Mehnis am not saying you are wrong,there may be many. but I beg to disagree on "any succesful marriage"..
Well, It can work out with the Husband pretending to give the woman all the power and manipulating her as well. In the end, all of us don't want the same thing from a marriage and successful marriages are of different varieties, no hard and fast rules.
Sun looks like you are not married. Forget ideals and M&B books. It is not that way by any stretch of imagination. It requires lots of effort to get a marriage on an even keel and being selfish too. Being doormat is just asking for trouble.
Yep deep.........selfish people are happy in their own WORLD.......makes all others unhappy!
LIES!!! Selfish people are the happiest.
Sun... whats your definition of ‘successful marriage’?
Sun look closer at any successful marriage and you will see a strong woman behind it. I do not call most marriage out here as successful with regard to locals where woman are just dominated and subjugated to the whims, pleasures and the will of the husband.
No FS, even if it is possible, it will definitely not lead to happiness because relationship is based on trickery (Never underestimate anyone's IQ). Why not think straight? If you want to belong, you got to care first. If you want to be loved, you got to learn loving first. No matter what trick you try, you cannot fake these things. Selfish people are never happy anywhere whatever relation it is..........End of the story.
It all depends on how mature the two are. Meaning not in age but emotionally. Every marriage can be worked and the seemingly happier ones can fall apart.
We are discussing all this keeping education, perceptions as considered normal for a certain strata of society. But there are some communities where wife beating is considered normal to keep them 'in line'. Though it is disgusting and quite below the dignity of a gentleman to do such , it is the inevitable truth and women in such communitie too accept this. Two end of the spectrum I guess
It is all depend upon your determination, faith, self confidence and strong will/intentions......then one have to apply and make positive efforts to achieve what you actually want!
Sun its not unrealistic...its very much possible!!
Vic....it's all wishful thinking..........very high unrealistic expectation is the universal cause of unhappy marriage........lolz Mehnis.
that what I said in second part of my comment :)
Mehnis: I do agree that sort of women/men/family do exist
however it is a BIG challenge to run healthy relationship with all family member; like you can't keep/make eveybody happy at the same time :)
Yes FS when you look closer at any real happy marriage or perceived happy ones it is a very smart, shrewd and sensible woman who really controls everything. She keeps her husband in line who would do exactly as she says plus keeps the inlaws and close family very happy.
She would have all of them eating out of her hands but it will all be totally invisible. If someone even says that she is the one who is the controller or the boss--there would be disbelief or incredulity on every ones face.. WHO ?? HER?? No way. He husband is way too strong.
But reality is that she is the silent force behind everything and never undermines the male ego or position anywhere. And she will have her husband singing her tunes all the time.
Vic maybe difficult to find...but they do exist..:)
Again Mehnis, difficult to find such a smart and able woman to pamper hubby's ..........
I know one BUT she is already married ;D))))
Yep Olive........to achieve common goals, does need expertise from both partner....
I mean to bring bliss in the marriage and long lasting relationship :)
Agree with you Mehnis...that's the secret of most happy marriages!
Please....don't tell me for the sake of children.....a bad marriage.........a battlefield household is much worse than a single parent. It's all hipocracy.
If a person is abusive in a marriage it's more then likely because their parents were in an abusive marriage. Like it or not, our marriages tend to reflect our parents. Obviously these women don't know how to control their anger or think that browbeating their husbands is the way to gain control. Same as a man thinking using his fists is the best way to stay in control.
I really don't understand why do they continue with an unhappy marriage? Simple, because of the mutual profits.
I do not believe for a moment if an adult will ever continue with a relationship in which he/she sees his/herself as loser (not even in India)
But we are talking only about troubled relationships and what could go wrong. I know of many successful marriages which has a very smart and able woman controlling them. She would allow a man his tempers, accept all his idiocies, listen to his issues, pamper his ego and still control him all the way.
That way the male always says--- I am the boss
the silent unsaid is ---I have my wife's permission to say so!!!
Men are not necessarily the better leaders in a relationship Vic, neither are women. Each person brings their own particular strengths and weaknesses into the marriage and it's up to the couple to find the happy medium. Bad marriages happen when that can't be found.
Honestly Vic how many men can do that successfully in a relationship?? And you have to be a real brilliant tactician and a charmer to get back the controls from a wife. Remember she is much better than you at this and has been doing it even when you were finishing school.
It is only a very mature man who would be able to drag it back on keel. Almost always without exception a male reacts.
Everyone showing off their expertise here..lol
Real fun is in losing at first place and gaining the control back.....
Men carries Wisdom and being a better leader, knows very well how much he could drag the situation and where to apply a proper checks and controls to bring the harmony and to create a subtle environment in the family.
He needs to play different cards and use effective communication styles.
Sun a difficult marriage is worse than all that Dracula could do to you. If you have children then you are torn asunder. No choice at all. Especially women in this case who don't have financial support or family backing.
It all depends on each relationship. You will mostly find that most men who are controlled are the ones that have married early.
Because as I had said it earlier it takes eons for a man to mature emotionally and learn how to handle it whereas nature has made a woman much stronger in that aspect and they are adept at mind games even as teenagers.
Late marriages tend to succeed more because there is respect for each other and the control factor is less relevant. There is much more maturity and understanding.
Are we talking about marriage or kingdom of count Dracula...........abuse, torture, terror....etc etc..........
spot on mehnis..:)
Well Vic I am sure as most of the serials are of women being aggressive in a relationship. Anyway this is NOT to say that women should be meek or submissive but I am just speaking generally.
In a troubled relationship a man usually looses out more than a woman. They can fight like dogs and to hell with the neighbors. They will fight for control.
But the moment a man hits a woman he is a goner.
A wife always gets the arguments and discord to such a position where the man has to use a bit of physical violence. Here the woman wins hands down. Whatever she said or did is NOTHING compared to what the man did. If it is a decent educated man who has been compelled to hit her then mentally he is finished.
If a man choses to keep quiet in the face of the 'tongue' of the woman then too he loses. Gradually he will dread to go home and will always be controlled because a woman once given that liberty of abuse and control is never going to let it go.
QL has so many souls tortoured by their better half,lol
such a post from a female.
Thanks FS for sympathy :)
It is difficult to believe the above statistics......as this is happening in MALE dominated society :P
New Wed Couple get highly inspired/influenced from Starplus Daily soaps........;D)))
No, I didn't go to get married. Thats still a couple of months away.
Domination of the partner in some ways or the other is the likely thought in a marriage. Most times it is the amount of rope each one gives the other that sets the trend for that particular relationship.
Normally everything is hunky dory in the first couple of years of marriage. The woman by this time has already set the pieces rolling by just asking very small things, then small demands and then starts setting tiny rules at home. It is all a pattern and it comes naturally to a woman. The man is too dumb to notice anything going anywhere. He is too happy doing whatever 'little' is asked from him even if it curtails his perceived liberty.
Suddenly the noose starts tightening and the man wakes up and will be quite furious that by now his life is being controlled. Starts making all the wrong moves by being aggressive, denying everything, suspecting his wife on everything she says or does.
It all depends on background, status, financial aspects and filial consideration how the relationship progresses well or goes downhill from here.
FU, there is still a remote chance of going to heaven after death, if you have suffered enough..:)
Deep..dont tell me that you went to get married..lol
It's just a transfer - from one hell to another!
Not surprising at these figure but these are just sensational. There is much more domestic violence occuring on both sides of the marriage than what is reported. There is a vast majority who just suffer in silence. It is just not physical violence per se.
It has to do more with the mental agony and torture. I have always held that women are the stronger sex in many ways than one with respect to a man, who is just physically stronger.
Women have the mental strength, aptitude and resilience. With their enormous abilities in relationship management(mental torture) a man in comparison is just plain dumb. To overcome this a man resorts to physical violence.
lol sun.....
soniya, i am not supporting the male fraternity..just pointing out that the imbalance in the male / female ratio is not dependent on the subject of the thread...its driven by lack of education in the society.
Oh comeon, its not that surprising. Majority of husbands live in fear of their wife. Domestic abuse here is not referring to physical violence.
yea thats why some weak men who resort to suicide than to talk about it and get help from his family or friends..
yeah, as pointed out by sun, the imbalance in the genders is mainly due to issues like female infanticide, improper care during deliveries resulting in their deaths, dowry killings, honour killings and malnutrition of the female child...
Who knows FS, but it's still a ways away before men are ready to speak up about abusive wives.
Olive its not only about physical abuse, mental torture can be worse....most men are physically stronger than their wives and can retaliate if abused...but as you said they cannot do much on the mental part which they silently suffer boos of their kids. but how long can they tolerate insult and mental trauma?
Some men will committ suicide if they they fail to make their wives' committ suicide.............what to do?
rishi,there u come..supporting the entire MAN fraternity...lol
May be 158 married men commit suicide per day but who said that its because of their being married.
As per the article:
158 married men commit suicide every day in India! Due to
1. Unrealistic expectations from the society
2. Non acceptance.
3. Continued harassment and neglected by family.
Are above conditions strictly only for the married men in society?
Jungle law:survival of the fittest...Damn women... :(
Arien, Pajju, FU: don't surrender!!! Keep fighting! :)
In fact, in some places like Rajasthan, young men don't have enuff women of their generation to marry........because the number of female feticicide after the availability of ultrasound in rural areas has increased to phenomenal proportion after 1995. Experts are predicting taht what we are seeing is just the beginning of disastrous gender imbalance............now I wonder, will we be going back to the age of Mahabharata.
turns full 360 degee circle! Agree with you Rishimba!
soniya, this number is probably just an extrapolation of some incidents to cover the full country...its definitely not the exact number..
it has got nothing to do with man women ratio in the country as its applicable to women as well and its just a very small percentage of the deaths happening due to all other reasons.
domestic voilence by wives is not the actual beating of the husband..but creating terrible circumstances in the household which force the husbands to commit suicide..
Married men are going through hell everyday. Specially the newly weds :)))
yup i know rms..i just gave few examples..
That's only few Soniya. India has got 28 States !!! :P
I too don't believe this theory..If that would have been the case then there shld be relatively lower man-woman ratio in INDIA..Infact the truth is woman r comparatively lower in number than to man in INDIA..Below r the statistics :
Punjab, which has 793 girl children to 1,000 male children, Chandigarh (845/1,000), Haryana (820/1,000), Gujarat (878/1,000), Maharashtra (917/1,000) and Orissa (950/1,000).
I think 158 deaths/day in India alone is impossible. I know that India is a big country with a big population but 158 deaths per day (that is, for abused married men's suicide only) is not feasible, considering there are lots of other possible reasons for death.
Well, going back to the topic, I don't blame them for such cowardly acts since I think their marriages are fixed by their parents/families.
It's still considered weak for a man to complain about a girl beating him, until that prejudice changes men who are victims will remain victims.
but you are specific about the 158 deaths/day. You are talking about India, isn't it. Anyway, no argument here, I am just commenting about the specific of the thread! I maybe confused, is the 158 deaths/day an statistic for the whole world or India alone? If for the whole world, please excuse my ignorance! I stand corrected! Good morning FS!
There are shocking stories from men from all over the world in many sites..
flor..."International studies world over have proved that both men and women are equally likely to be victims of domestic violence"
...& women always complain they are treated with inferiority..!!
because it hard to react if you are not familiar with your culture. It maybe common in India but not to all!
Damn women :((
The problem in India is that the authorities don't believe when a man complains about domestic abuse. A lot of men don't go to register complaints as well as they take it as an insult for their manliness if they complain about domestic violence.
A lot of girls abuse the laws related to rape as well, first having consensual sex and then screaming rape if caught and the authorities in general in India are always more likely to believe the girl's story than the guy's.
Those people who commit suicide for whatever reasons are cowards !!!
I hope they aren't FS.
Well that's so injustice...
Total opposite of what we have in Philippines.
But I get some picture of the reason why men are being abused in marriage than women in India.
Looks like people are intersted only in Female issues!!