Hey buddy something not right here. If you are so concerned then let her go. But you have not told us on whose sponsorship she is in. Secondly you have been snooping on her which means there is a lot more than just an interest to know. Whatever if she gets pregnant in all probability she would point the finger at you. So send her back if she is on your sponsorship and if not let her go. Let her live her life as she wants.
Worth it to do you own housework. If you have any doubts just let her go
http://i927.photobucket.com/albums/ad115/mehnis_album/cid_image024_gif01..." border="0" a
Hey buddy something not right here. If you are so concerned then let her go. But you have not told us on whose sponsorship she is in. Secondly you have been snooping on her which means there is a lot more than just an interest to know. Whatever if she gets pregnant in all probability she would point the finger at you. So send her back if she is on your sponsorship and if not let her go. Let her live her life as she wants.
Worth it to do you own housework. If you have any doubts just let her go