when you say environment it pertains to the physical and tangible aspects of a specific area , entity or subject....meaning: the sorroundings.
Do you find it as an ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE that Arabs speak broken or little English?
Correcting one's use of English, grammar or pronounciation could be misconstrued and may cause alienation....depending on how one does it.
BUT...in the tone of your posts, you somehow imply that you don't like what you hear around you...sad to know that though. Coz if you can't be happy or be content or live in harmony with the ENVIRONMENT you're in, there really is a problem...with you.
when you say environment it pertains to the physical and tangible aspects of a specific area , entity or subject....meaning: the sorroundings.
Do you find it as an ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE that Arabs speak broken or little English?
Correcting one's use of English, grammar or pronounciation could be misconstrued and may cause alienation....depending on how one does it.
BUT...in the tone of your posts, you somehow imply that you don't like what you hear around you...sad to know that though. Coz if you can't be happy or be content or live in harmony with the ENVIRONMENT you're in, there really is a problem...with you.