While I applaud the National Spirit of The Celebration I DO NOT like the LAWLESS part. We have drivers racing round with no thought to other peoples safety,I simply dont know how you can compare water to the face or throwing over ripe tomatoes to this sort of what I can only call Idiotic Behavour.
You bring up drug and Prostitution? Maybe you need to visit the Ramada Area where these girls are on the streets being picked up by locals and expats.( Maybe search this very site for evidence.
You also mention drug abuse,Well world figures show that traditional Western areas show a decline in drug abuse however in countries in the Middle East are on the rise. http://www.thepeninsulaqatar.com/Display_news.asp?section=local_news&mon...
Maybe you need to look at the issues from your own country instead of mutually kissing each others ass,Sort the Virtual Slavery of thousands of low payed workers locked in laborcamps and payed less that what you spent on awful flags on your car.Look at Issues like family days in malls,These guys work all week to make next to nothing and God Forbid they want to spend it or go hang out in a nice mall with friends( FYI without these people and all the other Expats you would be still living in Tents.)
So In Conclusion.
Dont try and Justify your Stupidity,Disrespect and not caring as anything other than what it is.You Disrespect the Qataries that are trying to make this country better and not just come along for the ride.
While I applaud the National Spirit of The Celebration I DO NOT like the LAWLESS part. We have drivers racing round with no thought to other peoples safety,I simply dont know how you can compare water to the face or throwing over ripe tomatoes to this sort of what I can only call Idiotic Behavour.
You bring up drug and Prostitution? Maybe you need to visit the Ramada Area where these girls are on the streets being picked up by locals and expats.( Maybe search this very site for evidence.
You also mention drug abuse,Well world figures show that traditional Western areas show a decline in drug abuse however in countries in the Middle East are on the rise.
Maybe you need to look at the issues from your own country instead of mutually kissing each others ass,Sort the Virtual Slavery of thousands of low payed workers locked in laborcamps and payed less that what you spent on awful flags on your car.Look at Issues like family days in malls,These guys work all week to make next to nothing and God Forbid they want to spend it or go hang out in a nice mall with friends( FYI without these people and all the other Expats you would be still living in Tents.)
So In Conclusion.
Dont try and Justify your Stupidity,Disrespect and not caring as anything other than what it is.You Disrespect the Qataries that are trying to make this country better and not just come along for the ride.