Seriously -- if you were in a car that got hit by some yahoo who then drove off and left you there, wouldn't you be slightly irked too? Wouldn't you be wondering where the police were and why they weren't stopping similarly behaved individuals that you saw around you?
Honestly people, she's lived here for a long time by choice. She's posted many lovely things about life here and the local people/friends she has met here. She's not out to just stir the pot (as some other posters seem to be).
I'm more offended at the replies that some others have given -- using foul language, trying to obfuscate the issue by responding with 'oh yeah? well you westerners shoot smack and whore around with prostitutes on your birthdays' kind of comments.
Nobody is saying Qatar isn't a lovely place to live for the most part. The vast majority of us expats have made our choice, and we've chosen (as Veris said) to endure the minor inconvenience of some things as a trade-off for a better job/salary/standard of living/whatever.
That doesn't mean living in Qatar is nirvana, or that we can't spout off when something irritates or frustrates us. We complain about things that we think need fixing when we're back home, when we travel, and while we live here.
PM was simply pointing out that she thought there wasn't enough of a presence of traffic police and security forces, and that those who were out there weren't doing much to control the rowdy behavior of many youths who were driving/behaving dangerously.
She's free to speak her mind.
"If you're looking for sympathy, you'll find it between sh*t and syphilis in the dictionary."
- David Sedaris
Seriously -- if you were in a car that got hit by some yahoo who then drove off and left you there, wouldn't you be slightly irked too? Wouldn't you be wondering where the police were and why they weren't stopping similarly behaved individuals that you saw around you?
Honestly people, she's lived here for a long time by choice. She's posted many lovely things about life here and the local people/friends she has met here. She's not out to just stir the pot (as some other posters seem to be).
I'm more offended at the replies that some others have given -- using foul language, trying to obfuscate the issue by responding with 'oh yeah? well you westerners shoot smack and whore around with prostitutes on your birthdays' kind of comments.
Nobody is saying Qatar isn't a lovely place to live for the most part. The vast majority of us expats have made our choice, and we've chosen (as Veris said) to endure the minor inconvenience of some things as a trade-off for a better job/salary/standard of living/whatever.
That doesn't mean living in Qatar is nirvana, or that we can't spout off when something irritates or frustrates us. We complain about things that we think need fixing when we're back home, when we travel, and while we live here.
PM was simply pointing out that she thought there wasn't enough of a presence of traffic police and security forces, and that those who were out there weren't doing much to control the rowdy behavior of many youths who were driving/behaving dangerously.
She's free to speak her mind.
"If you're looking for sympathy, you'll find it between sh*t and syphilis in the dictionary."
- David Sedaris