And in the process they're creating even more ill will and animosity for themselves.
One wonders how they can seen as trust-worthy guardians of the boy when they cannot even abide by a court order to allow his mother to see him for a measly 4 hours after nearly 2 months of no contact.

But Qatari courts are infinitely forgiving of their own, IMHO (and in my personal experience). He could probably flout many more court orders and they wouldn't do a damn thing other than to call ANOTHER hearing in another 2-6 weeks time to try again to set another visitation up, and he'd pull the same stunt.

My guess? Their aim is to wear Rebecca out, exhaust her financial resources, and drag this thing on for as long as possible, hoping that it slowly fades from people's radar and they get busy with other things, she loses popular support and resigns herself to not having her son and moves on with her then they can say "see? your mom doesn't really want you, just like we told you...".

This sucks on so many levels...and on the eve of Arafat, no less.
I hope the uncle and family don't hold their breath as they pray for God's forgiveness.

"If you're looking for sympathy, you'll find it between sh*t and syphilis in the dictionary."
- David Sedaris