hey nic,
i was just trying to see what people have to say over here. Obviously, i can google it and see a zillion different opinions on the subject. Then again, if all the information is out there, then why bring up any subject on this site. I think its about picking up small chunks of information from the discussions. Keep it simple and non-emotional buddy (KISS principle), there are things you learn outside school too :)
Anyways, thanks for sharing the link, at the outset, then content seems very objective and in plain language. I will mark this for reading up later.
Have you read the conclusion chapter on this link? Extract from it: "Darwinists cannot point to a single fossil suggesting that evolution ever took place..."
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
hey nic,
i was just trying to see what people have to say over here. Obviously, i can google it and see a zillion different opinions on the subject. Then again, if all the information is out there, then why bring up any subject on this site. I think its about picking up small chunks of information from the discussions. Keep it simple and non-emotional buddy (KISS principle), there are things you learn outside school too :)
Anyways, thanks for sharing the link, at the outset, then content seems very objective and in plain language. I will mark this for reading up later.
Have you read the conclusion chapter on this link? Extract from it: "Darwinists cannot point to a single fossil suggesting that evolution ever took place..."
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.