The failure of Darwin's Theory

By Straight Arrow •
Fianlly by a western
here is the source
Fianlly by a western
here is the source
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It amuses me that those who are utterly convinced of something for which there is no evidence are so ready to to publicly proclaim there is no evidence of something that has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt. The ignorance is astounding.
The sun isn't stationary (unless you have a wierd cosmology that puts the sun at the centre of the universe) and there are species that grade from one into another with no "missing links". Look up "ring species".
The "big bang" is nothing to do with Darwin's theory and has no relevance to it.
The efforts to pretend there is an equivalence in value and nature of belief between religious faith and scientific understanding are insulting, probably to the religious as well as the scientifically inclined.
scientific evidences for evolution and thus then be in a position to make a judgement, here is a very informative link:
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
ok :)
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
ok :)
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
and the fish had boobies, correct?? and big lucious lips??
This theory says that the ancestors of the hottest babes on this planet were Fish. These babes still retain some of the characteristics of fish after all these millenia. Take slippery character for example. And the scales. They also have excess blubber under their skin ( natural or induced), just like their ancestors.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Hi everyone
A very lively and interesting debate here. I believe that firstly we should understand that Darwin wrote what he thought... he had ideas based on observations and then because he could not explain them scientifically he THEORISED on the why and how bit. The THEORY of evolution is just that... it has NEVER to this day been proven. And bear in mind that it has never been DISPROVEN either.
Let me give you an example of how science helps to prove or disprove theories. Many thousands of years ago, people believed that the Sun would rise every day and go down every night. The term 'Sun Rise' is still used today. BUT, science has proven beyond all doubt that the Sun is a STATIONARY star and that it is actually the Earth that spins on its own axis and revolves around the Sun in orbit, which just gives the APPEARANCE that the Sun rises and goes down every day. I hope you guys are still with me? Observations alone, may seem correct, but science will either prove or disprove those observations leading us to what is correct.
Darwin wrote a lot of material about his observations regarding the mutation (or change or evolution) of speices across generations. However, his THEORY that man evolved from apes has never been proven. What is a point worth noting, is that the evolution of one form of spieces from a different form has never been proven across any spieces. He never observed one spieces evolve in to a completely different spieces - he only observed subtle changes or mutations within the spieces. Evolution has always been contained within the spieces which is what lead him to conclude (please pay attention to this one very closely)
"It is not the strongest of the spieces that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one that is most adaptable to change".
The quote above has itself evolved in to
"Survival of the fittest"
...and is falsely attributed to Darwin.
Those of you that state that religion is a matter of faith please consider that science is also a matter of faith. The founding principle or the root of scientific belief regarding the universe is:
"Nothing in the middle of nowhere exploded for no reason"!!!!
Scientifically PROVEN, it is impossible for NOTHING to explode for no reason. So scientists take a 'leap of faith' to believe that on this one parituclar ocassion, in order to start the universe, that it did. Although the BIG BANG has been scientifically proven to have happened, science has no explantion as to the WHY or HOW. It is just a leap of faith to accept that it happened for NO REASON.
Creationists, and or religious people will believe that the Big Bang happened because a 'supreme being' or God commanded the big bang to happen - again, this is neither proven nor disproven.
When people have a habit of writing about their observations and try to pass it off as fact, science has a habit of proving or disproving.
But science is not the be all and end all. Consider...
Q: Why and how does the bumble bee fly?
Please do your own research and see if you can find an answer - then you will understand why i asked the question! This brings together the points i made above - namely observation and science. We KNOW that the bumblebee can fly because we OBSERVE it... but WHY and HOW does it fly. Go ahed, do a search on "BUMBLE BEE FLIGHT".
Atheists - the presence of God or a supreme being has not been proven or disproven. Therefore i would suggest that you have a 'faith' therefore that a God or Supreme Being does not exist?
Good luck everyone and i wish you all the best regardless of what you believe.
LOL... I don't know where did you get that idea from, mate!
I am cool. I was just surprised about the curriculum in certain countries. But hey, that's their problem, right?
As I said above: Enjoy the now and here ;)
I don't see why you feel insecure Nic, neither do i care, I just joined in this discussion and picked up a few bits of information so my objective is served. You even shared a link i liked. So my objective is served. i.e., i was able to catch up on scnientific concepts and point of views.
You do seem to be taking this forum too seriously and as a place where people change their beliefs (duh!) and people are supposed to be attacked and then they have to defend or i don't know what!
Advise for you. KISS! :o)
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
The Rock,
I just questioned because, where I went to school, your questions' answers are part of the basic general secondary school curriculum!
Then again, I am from a secular country!
...were fishes.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
I don't understand how they can say there's no fossil evidence. There's loads of fossil evidence. Are they referring to fossil evidence of someone in the midst of mutating?
Thanks Olive, yes thats what i was looking for, also googled it later.
By the way, heres an interesting point from a TIME magazine article:
"Modern Homo sapiens is still evolving. Despite the long-held view that natural selection has ceased to affect humans because almost everybody now lives long enough to have children, a new study of a contemporary Massachusetts population offers evidence of evolution still in action."
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
hey nic,
i was just trying to see what people have to say over here. Obviously, i can google it and see a zillion different opinions on the subject. Then again, if all the information is out there, then why bring up any subject on this site. I think its about picking up small chunks of information from the discussions. Keep it simple and non-emotional buddy (KISS principle), there are things you learn outside school too :)
Anyways, thanks for sharing the link, at the outset, then content seems very objective and in plain language. I will mark this for reading up later.
Have you read the conclusion chapter on this link? Extract from it: "Darwinists cannot point to a single fossil suggesting that evolution ever took place..."
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
repeated post
The rock,
Where did you go to school?
Anyway, the following article might provide you with an insight to your questions:
You mean like Neanderthals, Homo Erectus, etc?
hmm interesting, another question, does anyone know about any evidence that humans were sort ov, different before, how many years ago was that and is it possible to scientifically prove it?
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
The rock,
Everything has its end, even planet Earth! You may not need to worry about that far of the evolution path, as we may be eradicated from space before that!
Enjoy the now and here, that is the only thing you have guaranteed!
Yes the rock, humans as a species are constantly evolving, but I wouldn't suspect to start noticing it for another 100,000 years or so.
That’s exactly what I meant; science is about questioning, contrary to religion that is about submission and acceptance.
Why cannot religion's approach be discussed here when the post suggests it?!
One should not be afraid of discussing the different point of views. All are philosophies except Science!
Yes!..we still evolving.
The one who stays calm is the one who is in control
Hi everyone,
I confess to not having done 'a lot' of reading on Darwin's theory, but knowing what i know and its basic idea that all specicies evolved randomnly, a curious question just popped into my mind. Does it also mean that we, humans, can evolve into something else in the future ?
haha, sounds funny
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
the question is are we behaving like humans?
There are good people in this world, and they are not ONLY Muslims, you know. Geez.(last comments by alexa when she left Qiving)
Yes I understood what you meant, but my point remains the same. You can't compare what's found in Asia and Europe and say that automatically we should find the same amount in Africa. Now if there were abundant fossils of great apes, etc dating back to 14 million in Africa and no obvious human ancestors ones than I would say you might have a point, but comparing numbers of fossils in Asia and Europe to Africa is apples and oranges. There could be thousands of reasons why they are hard to find, geologic upheaval and rapidly changing weather patterns are just 2.
It is my mistake that I take most of my fellow QL who comment has having knowledge and comprehension of the topic they are commenting on apperantly some only comment for the sake of commenting . I would be more elucide next time
pls read the comment as " scientists have been unable to find fossils of direct ancestors of modern great apes and Humans dating back to between 8 million and 14 million years ago "in Africa ". But the fossil record of great apes—including gorillas, chimpanzees, and bonobos—is abundant in Asia and Europe during this time .
Rehanbutt you stated that their were abundant fossils of apes, chimpanzees, etc from Asia and Europe from between 8 to 14 million years ago. I said this was irrelevant since man originated in Africa. It's almost as if you're saying, damn we can't find the remains of a polar bear in Africa, so obviously polar bears don't exist.
Nic science is about questioning and pls dont push religon into every thing I am so tired of Psudo liberals here in QL. and Just because you want to belive in some thing and look for only that doesnot make my comments unsubstantiated I dont want to waste my time to google this for you .
Olive Scientist when compare scientific data they look for all details to validate their theories but thanks for nothing for emphasing a fact which I didnt even eluded to .
I found this web link which describes the Islamic point of view on Darwins Theory
This view is by Mr. Harun Yahya
those who are interested can look at this link
Unless you are a religious person who accepts without questions what your religion imposes on you, how can you question Science in such a shallow and unsubstantiated manner?!
Rehanbutt, humans didn't evolve in Aisa or Europe, they evolved in Africa. So it doesn't matter that there are 14 million year old monkey fossils in Europe or Asia, it matters if they're in Africa.
There is no concrete proof to support this theory only speculations and hypothesis as of now as far as I know scientists have been unable to find fossils of direct ancestors of modern great apes and Humans dating back to between 8 million and 14 million years ago. But the fossil record of great apes—including gorillas, chimpanzees, and bonobos—is abundant in Asia and Europe during this time .
So basically it is still speculation from both sides no solid evidence.
LOL....agree completely
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
It is important that other share the same view when you submit your science papers in an examination!!!
I don't even think most literary critics care what Dan Brown writes. :P
Those scientists that believe in the theory of evolution do not spend their time trying to prove the non-existence of God, (except for one very vocal person in Richard Dawkins) whereas the religious community of whatever faith seems to what to attach Darwinism at every opportunity.
agree with you.
similar thoughts ;)
Science knows that religion are man made legend s and myths to relax man kind from the fear of the unknown. So science does not care or consider what religions say or Dan Brown writes!
I guess the theory of Evolution as per Darwins Theory is a Religious Belief for the Scientists and the theory of Adam and Eve is for the Religious minded. Both trying to discredit each other so their beliefs are imposed on others?
Derek Edward Trotter
UKeng... I have read the book...
I don't believe my ancestors were monkey's I believe they were slightly different forms of human beings.
i believe one of my forefathers was a Maharajah :-D why should i think they were monkeys???
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
Any one seen the film Angel and Demons?
Derek Edward Trotter
One religious guy ask me..that do you agree that all of human came from ape or a monkey?.but one of my friend beside me ask the religious guy..if the ape and monkey can talk, do you think they would like to be humans?
The one who stays calm is the one who is in control
The topic of the author is Charles Darwin and the science in 18th century, some Darwin theory have flaws because of the technology at that time, but today, some of his theory are recognized by science as a fact!.coz the modern science now proved it already.
The one who stays calm is the one who is in control
There are good people in this world, and they are not ONLY Muslims, you know. Geez.(last comments by alexa when she left Qiving)
I don't see why the religious community seem to be so defensive about established biological dogma. (To borrow a word from the article....)
You don't see atheists saying God attacks evolution as unworkable!
To have faith you have to live in a certain degree of ignorance and I am happy with that.
As will most of the people who respond to it. You believe what you believe, no one's right and no one's wrong Khallas.
not only the writer has a biased agenda, the person who posted this also has one too!
most of them will still believe , that their forefathers were animals.
No one knows how it is that one glance a boy can break through into a girl's heart
N Bonaparte
I don't think this should be in the religious section. Its a scientific debate.
I wouldn't trust this as a source as the writers have a biased agenda...'advancement of theology and philosophy within the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church'. Hardly impartial.
I'm not going to get into this argument, you have your views and I have mine and the two shall never meet. However its due to outright rejection of some topics that Arab education is behind many parts of the world especially in science.
This should be in the religious section.