'the cost of vet is NOT always that high in qatar .. please dont argue . i lived here for 30 years /./ thanks ..'

How rude... Li-lebano, where exactly do you get off telling someone that they don't know anything about vet fees here in Qatar?

By the sounds of your posts you only have dogs in your home country and not here, so what exactly would YOU know about vet fees, if you never go to one?

The vets here do give QAWS a discount to a certain extent, but by no means does it reduce our costs so drastically.

Whats more, I have my own dogs and pay full price for them at the vets, so please don't you come and tell me what vet fees are. I am well aware of them.

What I am finding is that you are rude and arrogant and with your ideals on pet neutering/spaying, it would be best if you import yourself an animal and not adopt one from us - (as you are not the type of person we would rehome any of our babies too) - just please make sure not to bring us any of the unwanted litters that will almost certainly be born. We already have far to many rescues to deal with that are genuinely needing a home - not ones that have just been bred because of someone's ignorance.

(FYI - neutering and spaying prolong your animals life)

1) Spaying or neutering is foolproof birth control that lasts a lifetime.

2) Spaying or neutering provides relief from such hormone driven urges as:

Aggression toward other dogs, particularly for males.
Territorialism, that is, the tendency to be overprotective of the dog's home ground.
Wanderlust, that is, the desire to escape from the yard and seek sexual adventure inthe outside world.
Marking territory with urine/feces.
Unwanted sexual behavior such as riding, sniffing, licking, arousal.
Frustration which occurs when the behaviors dictated by hormonal urges cause the dog to behave in a way that is undesirable to the owners.
3) Protection (either partial or complete) from such hormone-induced conditions as:


Testicular cancer
Benighn prostatic hyperplasia
Acute and chronic prostatis, prostatic abscess
Perianal gland adenomas
Orchitis (infection of the testicles)
Venereal tumors
Perineal hernia (abdominal organs bulging out of rectum)
Inguinal hernia with potential organ strangulation


Breast cancer
Cystic endometrial hyperplasia and pyometra
False pregnancies
Mastitis (can occur during false pregnancy)
Transmissible venereal sarcoma
Ovarian and uterine tumors
Cystic ovaries and hyperestrogenism
Chronic endometritis
Vaginal hyperplasia and prolapse
Uterine torsion or uterine prolapse


Now put that in YOUR pipe and smoke it....

"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME


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