Adoption @ QAWS

I just felt to share the price of adoption here in Qatar has also gone up !! are they also affected by the economic crisis ?
i queried about a dog, and they quoted: QR. 1500 riyals !! knowing that i would get a pure breed from home at almost the same price !!
i thoulg all the medical care is free from the Gov Health Centres for animals ! then why the expensive cost !
in France the adoption is FREE .. a donation is requested though and thats about it ! i honnestly backed off from the intention to adopt .. i already have a belgian shephard at home, (he has his own room, with AC and a nice backyard to play) .. i though of getting him a companion to play with !! of course the dog will get the same love and affection my dog already gets !! but i would rather spend the 1500 riyals on getting the adopted dog all the stuff needed .. than simply a fee in order to adopt the pet !!
does not make sence !!
As a founder member and current chairperson of QAWS I have watched this thread closely and now feel the time is right to step in and put an end to this.....
To our supporters and defenders, thank you, as always, for being there! You know who you are and you know how grateful we always will be for your un-conditional help and support. Without the community we simply would not be....
Chelsea - you have done your best, been judged, mis-understood, picked at and through it all you have stuck to QAWS rules and regulations - well done!
To those (very few) disgruntled people we simply do not need to waste our time on this, we have far more important matters to attend too!
The health, well being, future and safety of the animals in our care are the ONLY things that matter.
QAWS is confident in our ploicies and procedures, enough said please....let's get on with what we do best!!!
I'll leave the creative writing to you.
ok i DO appologize for miss understanding that you are talking about species and not breeds ! my mistake .. so nothign to argue about !
when i am wrong about something then i admit to be wrong ..
for gypsy and tallg .. try to be more creative ..
Azilana .. you are absolutly right ..
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
And it's 450 QR to get a cat neutered, so I can't imagine what it is for dogs. Shots are also around 400 QR, so there you go, you're at 850 QR for a cat.
I suggest you follow your own advice that you preach so willingly and READ what i wrote.
The adoption fee differs depending on the SPECIES of an animal. Do you know what SPECIES means? It's the difference between a cat and a dog. Funnily enough, it's cheaper to neuter a cat then a dog and we don't feel the need to neuter birds so they don't have a vets bill at all.
So no - QAWS DOES NOT CHARGE MORE FOR PURE BRED DOGS. I suggest you apologise immediately for that accusation. We have NEVER brought the breed of an animal into any calculations of fees EVER. In fact I even said in one of the first posts that the neutering fees were charged by weight.
almost all active QL members here are (in one time or another and some are still) are volunteers for QAWS. The QL Social Group/Volunteer Group and other groups are helping QAWS one way or the other.
For someone who don't know much about how things are for QAWS and are a bit AGGRESSIVE with your views AGAINST QAWS.
tallg is right, if you have queries, you should have communicated with Chelsea in private like you did before(you posted this topic). Everything was explained to you by those concerned but still you find issues within the issue.
if you're not going to adopt animals from QAWS...OK
if you don't want your pets to be spayed/neutered...ok
He must be half way to China by now...
and the hole gets deeper
if there is nothing to hide then why not bring it up in a public forum ? they advertise here as i noticed no? then what is the issue ?
plus why is averyone accussing me of being arrogant? i am simply replying to messages !
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Then you need to seriously look at the way you convey your messages, mate. Everything you've written on this thread has an accusing and arrogant air about it.
If all you wanted to know was why it costs that much then you could have carried on your private communication with QAWS. Why bring it onto a public forum?
did not accuse mate ... i have the right to ask ? no? i wanted to know why do i have to pay that much ! hard to understand ???
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
"just dont like false accusation" - and yet you accuse QAWS of making money from adoptions, and don't apologise when the facts are presented to you.
not arogant dear .. just dont like false accusation ;-)
tallg .. who is diggin ??
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Wow. You're one arrogant piece of work Le Libano.
dig dig dig dig dig dig dig
Catweasel, no problem .. i just wanted to explain to you that my dog is well treated !
then chelsea ..
yes i lived here for 30 years ... does that mean i could not have lived in france ?? of course no .. no need to explain further .. try to figure it out by yourself ..
when explained above that my dog has his room with AC thats during the day coz we are not home (a logical assumption which i did not know that i had to mention) ! so he stays in his room outside .. did i mention he sleeps outside ? no so case closed !!
other noticable comment from you chelsea .. (well raised by fubar) so from what you are saying : one of the criterias is depending on the "breed" for the price of adobtion? hmmm thats raises some questions no ??? why classify by breed ?? i though the dogs are classified by weight when taken to vets .. so a street dog with no breed of 20kg should cost the same of a PURE breed 20kg when neutured !?? at the end of the day .. with a quick calulation .. the price of adobtion should be the same .. then why differenciate by breeds ??
of and to Xena, if you think that i am rude .. well .. to be honnest dont care of what you think at all !! so keep it for yourself .. the post here was not : is the libano-marseillais rude or not !!
and if you think neuturing expands the life of the animals .. why dont u get one yourself !! did any of your animals say thay WANT to be neutured ?? so dont say stupid things please .. no one should have the right to take away anything god has given .. and surely NOT to poor animals !! why they should be denied the right of having a sexual life?????????????? coz they are animals?
yeah .. you really are showing how much you care for these animals ... well my animal has not been neutured .. and i will never do it !! on top of that XENA learn how to read (she will say i am rude again!!) if you took a couple of minutes to read you would know that i have a dog here .. and YES i do know the price of medical care !
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
'the cost of vet is NOT always that high in qatar .. please dont argue . i lived here for 30 years /./ thanks ..'
How rude... Li-lebano, where exactly do you get off telling someone that they don't know anything about vet fees here in Qatar?
By the sounds of your posts you only have dogs in your home country and not here, so what exactly would YOU know about vet fees, if you never go to one?
The vets here do give QAWS a discount to a certain extent, but by no means does it reduce our costs so drastically.
Whats more, I have my own dogs and pay full price for them at the vets, so please don't you come and tell me what vet fees are. I am well aware of them.
What I am finding is that you are rude and arrogant and with your ideals on pet neutering/spaying, it would be best if you import yourself an animal and not adopt one from us - (as you are not the type of person we would rehome any of our babies too) - just please make sure not to bring us any of the unwanted litters that will almost certainly be born. We already have far to many rescues to deal with that are genuinely needing a home - not ones that have just been bred because of someone's ignorance.
(FYI - neutering and spaying prolong your animals life)
1) Spaying or neutering is foolproof birth control that lasts a lifetime.
2) Spaying or neutering provides relief from such hormone driven urges as:
Aggression toward other dogs, particularly for males.
Territorialism, that is, the tendency to be overprotective of the dog's home ground.
Wanderlust, that is, the desire to escape from the yard and seek sexual adventure inthe outside world.
Marking territory with urine/feces.
Unwanted sexual behavior such as riding, sniffing, licking, arousal.
Frustration which occurs when the behaviors dictated by hormonal urges cause the dog to behave in a way that is undesirable to the owners.
3) Protection (either partial or complete) from such hormone-induced conditions as:
Testicular cancer
Benighn prostatic hyperplasia
Acute and chronic prostatis, prostatic abscess
Perianal gland adenomas
Orchitis (infection of the testicles)
Venereal tumors
Perineal hernia (abdominal organs bulging out of rectum)
Inguinal hernia with potential organ strangulation
Breast cancer
Cystic endometrial hyperplasia and pyometra
False pregnancies
Mastitis (can occur during false pregnancy)
Transmissible venereal sarcoma
Ovarian and uterine tumors
Cystic ovaries and hyperestrogenism
Chronic endometritis
Vaginal hyperplasia and prolapse
Uterine torsion or uterine prolapse
Now put that in YOUR pipe and smoke it....
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME
Oh dear I really did hit a sore point!
I can assure you that I show rather a lot of support to QAWS hence I have 3 dogs and 4 cats all rescued and 4 of them are from QAWS!! I have also volunteered for them for the past 4 years so yes although I am unable to always help financially I do my upmost best to support them in everyway I can. This why I also feel the need to stick up for QAWS when someone comes along and slates what they do, if you sat this side of the fence you'd think differently!
I apologise that I asumed your dog lived outside and very happy to hear it sleeps in your bed with you. I also apologise that I have seemed to upset you so much but start slating someone/something and you have to be prepared for the comments back.
To be honest I thought the same as catweasel. Your original posts says your dog "has his own room with a/c". That implies your dog lives outside which is another thing we don't really agree with. Dogs are pets that should live inside with the family. You can't blame catweasel for getting the wrong end of the stick. You yourself did exactly the same thing with my email which is how all this started.
I am however a little confused as you say you have dogs in France that sleep in your room but you have lived in Qatar for 30 years - maybe I have missed something?
I do agree with catweasel about the vets fees though - they are high compared to other countries but you get what you pay for. If you want a qualified and experienced vet with good facilities and top of the range equipment then you go to one of 2 clinics (Qatar Veterinary Centre or The Veterinary Surgery). If you're not really bothered about your animal then there are other much cheaper clinics but these are run by butchers who call themselves vets.
We do get dogs that already neutered but not many. Most dogs that come into the shelter already neutered are surrendered by their owners for one reason or another but unfortunately if a dog owner is responsible enough to neuter their animal then normally they take their dogs with them when they leave the country.
We do get discounts from the vets for neutering but unfortunately female dogs still work out expensive. When we have a large donation made (maybe one of the schools has raised money for us) then we get a load of dogs (normally the males) neutered. If the animal is already neutered then we still ask for a slightly higher donation as we would have had the surgery carried out already but it's much less then a vets bill!
When people want to surrender animals to us, we ask that they get them vaccinated before entering the shelter to help keep all our animals healthy. Again if the animal you choose is already vaccinated then your donation is less.
However if an adopter chooses an animal that isn't already neutered or vaccinated - we do ask they pay the vets bill.
Unfortunately though due to this whole thread, QAWS now looks like we "sell" each animal for QR1,500 which just isn't the case. Fees range from QR200 - QR2,000 depending on the animal, species, age, weight, medical status etc.
And we would NEVER rehome to someone who didn't agree with neutering their pets.
Does QAWS ever get dogs that are already spayed - dogs that have been abandoned or run away from home?
If that were the case then the price of adoption would be significantly reduced, right?
I think Le Lebano-Marse don't know how QAWS started and how its trying to help out these animals.
It's her opinion...she's entitled to it.
Do you need a ladder to get out of that hole you're digging for yourself?
ohh as well .. if anyone of you here are vets .. instead of imputing comments and arguing why dont u propose a free neuturing to Chelsea ???? rather than saying that you love animals .. show it !!
maybe then the rates of adpotion will increase when the fees go down !
i wish i could do it for you chelsea .. but thats not my area ! sorry .. but can help you in knocking off the teeth of the people cought mistreating their pets if you like ! that is more within my field of expertise !! lol
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
easy on the weed catweasel !!
do you anything about france?? no ? ok then dont mention it when u want to imput your comments...
the cost of vet is NOT always that high in qatar .. please dont argue . i lived here for 30 years /./ thanks ..
secondly i do not care if anyone makes money here !! this is not my concern .. my concern is that i did not want to adopt anymore after i was quoted ! is that very difficult to understand ??
if people can afford to pay 1500 for a rescued dog in qatar thats great !! i am happy for the animals !! now dont tell me in europe someone will pay 300 euros for a dog from a shelter .. if you say yes .. then you simply never lived in europe !! the latest stats from france is that that abandon level of animals have raised in 2009 due to the economic crisis !! i have adopted myself 2 dogs from a shelter in marseille .. i donated 25 euro !! that was all i had to pay .. the dogs are living my my older brother back home and they are the happiest a pet can ever be !
the reason i appologised to chelsea is that i did not know that they had to pay for neuturing and other stuff !! in france volteer vets do that for free !! i would have though it would be the same here !
i for example prefer not to have my pet neutured !! thats another thing why i would think twice in adopting a dog from QAWS ... simply that i have a male dog at home who is not neutured .. and i want him to have a full and healthy dog life !! your anyone of u want to be neutured????????? then why do it to animals if they can be cared for and controled ???? (my dog by the way is not only allowed in the house my dear, but sleeps in my room !!, so just incase you want to seem like the one who is nice and i am the bad guy leaving my dog outside !! bad libano-marseillais !!, did not work .. let me see what kind of collar your pet has ? if you are interrested to know i will tell you .. i did not buy it for 15 riyls in carrefour ! trust me .. you cannot play the game so dont ...)
again i understand what MAJID is saying ! i would rather get a pedigree than adopt with that price !!! is that hard to understand ?
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Oh dear Le Libano-Marse you have totally chased your tail! (excuse the pun) after apologising for the mis-communication and not realising these are the vet costs your discussing it with friends who now think QAWS are making money!! (viscious Doha rumours will be flying!!) I can assure you the vets do cost this much and QAWS is NOT making money (that would be nice we could extend even more!!!) If it's better in France wait till you move back. QAWS has a responsibilty to make sure all animals will not be having more babies and adding to humungous problem we already have!And I must add it's very important to match the animal to the owner as QAWS staff know them better than you will. I'd imagine they'd like this doggie to be snuggled up with the family INSIDE the house as he/she prob deserves that after the turmoil it's already been through!
Oh and just wondering is your dog a family pet? Is it allowed to sleep in the house?
to be honnest i even discussed with several friends of mine (who also own dogs, of different breeds) they were all surpised when i quoted the price !! the major response was: "are they selling them now?"
so i dont think to be the only one who was shocked !!
just felt to share this with chelsea !
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Just in case you hadn't noticed - this is a PUBLIC forum. PUBLIC means that everyone can see what you wrote and everyone can respond. You made a very vague claim based on no facts, figures or even common sense. You specified that people shouldn't adopt from QAWS. I want to know why.
What do you have against QAWS seeing as this is the second thread where you have had really unconstructive comments against us?
Hence the word 'miscommunication'. LOL
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
yes thats what i mean Le Libano-Marse...
for the vet fees that covered having him neutered, his medications. STORM was then recuperating from injuries he had when other dogs ganged up on him. I think I spent more or less QAR1600 but I didn't care. I loved (I still miss him)STORM at first sight. Too bad I have to give him up coz of my situation.
'What I'm trying to say is that, everything QAWS tells us is upfront and factual. It's just a misinformation or MISCOMMUNICATION ;-)
"Make a difference or make way"
Food = Money
Shelter = Money
Care = Money
Whether it be a dog or a donkey.....So pay up if you wanna own one ...
To be honest I was a little miffed that you sent me a private email requesting information regarding one specific dog and I replied to you with an estimated adoption fee. If you had queries regarding this fee I would have appreciated an email back rather than all of this on a public forum where due to misunderstandings and confusions QAWS has ended up looking like we try to make a profit from animals that are abandoned. Although I know this was not your intention, we are not living in a particularly animal-friendly country and we constantly seem to be on the defense about why we do what we do. To bring our rehoming policies up for debate was a whole other issue that I don't feel was necessary.
Had you enquired about a kitten I would have told you that we ask for a donation of around QR200 to help cover some of our costs!
To everyone, please don't assume that every animal is QR1,500 to adopt - this is for a female dog that is fully vaccinated and spayed! Every animal has different fees depending on age, medical conditions, neutering status etc.
I think we can now lay all this to rest and move on!
then it was a miss communication .. a miss understanding that was cleared up later on .. thats the purposr of the replies correct?
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Libano - in your original post it very much comes across that you have a problem with QAWS. Indeed, the whole point of the post appears to be to slander QAWS by implying they are making money through the adoption of animals.
there was not problem with THEM !!! i was only wondering about the rates !! which chelsea cleared up for me !!
read all coments before posting
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
I've adopted 2 kitties through QAWS and I've always found their rates reasonable (especially when you know the price of vet bills) and I've always found them understanding as well. When I picked up my last cat I asked if it would be possible to take her on a trial basis as I have 2 other cats at home and they may not accept her. They were very understanding of that. I can't imagine how anyone would have a problem with them.
thanks for the explaination, i assumed that people have a bit of common sence into them but i guess that there are more nut cases than i ever thought
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Libano - No-one's questioning your love of animals. I took issue with the fact that you accused QAWS of charging a fee to adopt pets, when all they are actually doing is covering their costs.
To be honest we're not overly happy with how much it costs to have a dog neutered and vaccinated. As you can see from my quote, by the time adopters have paid the vets bill they are unlikely to give us a donation that covers even a tenth of what we pay out per animal. We don't begrudge our animals anything but when you get no funding or discounts, money is a huge issue. Most months we barely scrape by and adoption donations bring in a substantial proportion of our funding every month.
Any person that is looking to have an animal from us is interviewed and we DO judge which of our dogs would be suitable for them based on experience, lifestyle, family etc. The same as any other rescue shelter in the world. If we let anyone take any dog they wanted we would have most of our dogs returned within days as they would not be a suitable pet for that family. We don't just pick random animals - we all have years of experience working with rescue animals, training and animal husbandry and we do actually know what we are talking about!
Puppies are not rehomed to families unless there is someone who is around for at least 75% of the day. Would you rehome a 8 week old puppy to a home where it would be left on it's own for 12 hours a day? Adopters who have not had a dog before would not be suitable owners for any of our dogs that have behavioural issues or require an experienced owner. People coming to the shelter wanting "a small fluffy puppy that they can bring back in a couple of weeks" (and yes we get people asking if they can have a pup and return it when they get bored) don't get any further then the gate.
We turn away more people then we allow to adopt, and because of that we have a fantastic rehoming rate and rarely have problems with adopted animals.
Your comment asked about why we charge so much money and as I think you will see - I answered fairly and honestly. WE don't charge that but the vets do. Unfortunately we have a HUGE number of people who are not willing to pay the vets bill saying they want a free animal. If an adopter is not prepared to pay the costs for vaccination and neutering then are they likely to pay the costs if their animal is hit by a car and requires a QR2000 surgery? Probably not and therefore they are not a suitable adopter and would not be allowed to rehome an animal from us.
And we have a lot more nutcases come to the shelter then you might think!
if everyone took a bit of time to real CAREFULLY my post you would ALL see that i did mention to have a dog !! i have had pets all my life and i dare anyone to care for their animals as much as i care for mine !!
plus would like to comment that this is not the first time i have adopted (would have been my first time in Qatar yes) but my family and i have always adopted dogs and cats from the adoption services back in france !! and i can assure you that all i had to pay is 50 euros for mixed issues (paperwork, vaccination ...)
and as you can see in my post.. i did mention that i would prefer to pay the 1500 QR to get all the things my newly adopted dog would need ... so the issue is NOT paying the money !!!
again i resent the fact that people in QAWS can judge what kind of dog a person is suited to have ?? unless the person who is adopting is a complete nutcase then people should choose the dogs they want to adopt !! not the other way around !!
i spend over 2000 riyals on my dog every month.. so before you post comments (just for the sake of a reply) read carefuly !
also if QAWS is happilly doing such a service to the animals in Qatar then maybe they should be a bit more quiet about it and not complain on how much it costs to maintain them .. i felp from Chelsea's comments that she is not quite comfortable with the cost of helping these animals !! in my post i was only ASKING WHY is adoption so expensive here !!??
i do understand the comment of MAJID ... (hope he meant to buy a pure breed rather than a mixed one without history) people (like myself) feel more confortable knowing the history of the dog i am getting .. (and if chelsea recals i DID ask that in my email to her) and she did reply .. but again i have no issues coz i really thought that the dog i was asking about was VERY cute..
i have been several times to QAWS and i do find that they are doing a great job caring for the animals this country rejects and dont appreciate ..
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
It's depressing as that quote is for a bitch that weighs 10-15kg! If she was 16kg you would have to add another QR200 as the surgery, meds and dewormer costs go up! Over 20kg and you're adding ANOTHER QR250 on top of that! And so on and so on!!
If anyone is a qualified vet that wants to donate their time and do pro bono work (or even reduced rates) please let me know lol ;)
a troll... the profile should tell you that.
It's so strange that you seem to think that 1500QR is expensive to pay for an adopted dog from QAWS Le-lebano -
have you enquired anywhere about vet fees in this country?
Lets just say, that vet fees here cost you literally an arm and a leg - the reasons.. there are only 2 decent vet practices in Qatar - the rest are "butchers" so to speak. As Chelsea has mentioned, we don't take our animals to the Government vets - cats maybe, but dogs... hmmmm... watching one of the vets almost do a neutering on an adult dog WITHOUT aneasthetic, was enough to make me grab the dog and run... so no, without them having up-to-date equipment and increasing their knowledge on working with bigger pets, we feel its best not to use them. Some of our animals come to us tramatised, so we have to becareful who we take them too - we find the vets we use are much better at handling rescues.
We are NOT a government organisation - we do this out of the goodness of our hearts (which most people tend to forget or aren’t aware of). Rescuing animals is not financially viable, so please don't think we are making any money from this - (please see Chelsea's expense sheet above) - in the end, most months it costs me personally about QR700 minimum in phone calls and fuel for all the vet runs, and farm visits I do - I don't claim it back and I don't earn a big salary at my paid job and I get nothing from QAWS... and thats just me, I haven't take into account the other ladies expenses.
If you feel thats too expensive, by all means, go out and buy a pure breed dog from a petshop or import one - almost guarenteed, it will be sick on collection - have cost you a fortune to import it - cargo fees, relocation costs - vet fees to try and save it and then in 90% of the cases will probably die, as it was taken away from its mother before it was ready, or was bred at a puppy mill that didn't give enough time before the next litter was born and bacterias to settle. This will cost you in the region of about Five to six thousand riyal.
My own dogs cost me about QR500 a month on food and treats and if they are sick, you can add another QR1000 onto that – so owning a pet is not cheap. If you aren’t prepared for the expenses, don’t adopt a pet.
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME
Yes, if you break it down you realize that only 25 QR is going to QAWS, the rest is in vet fees. If you are not prepared to pay vet fees, don't adopt an animal!
Oh dear, I sense MAJID was deemed unsuitable to be an adopter when he went to QAWS. Good to see there's no sour grapes :)
Thanks for the clarification Chelsea. Perhaps the original poster will retract their unfounded accusations and reconsider adopting from QAWS.
On what basis is your claim made or are you just trying to stir things up a little bit? Bored are you?
its better to buy other then adoption from qaws.its better man beleve me.
Any animal that is leaving QAWS must be neutered (if old enough). If the animal is not old enough, we make an appointment for the surgery to be done at the right age and we follow up with a check. The adopter is then required to pay the vets fee as we cannot afford it ourselves.
The government clinic has very limited resources and although they do a great job with the stray cats, we do not take our animals there.
As you asked about a female dog, I quoted approximately QR1,500 which is about average for everything.
This "fee" includes:
To the Vet:
QR 360 Vaccinations
QR 900 Spay
QR 155 Post Surgery Medication
QR 60 Dewormer
QR 25 Donation
So actually I underestimated how much she would be as we would expect more then a QR25 donation for a dog. We do not alter our prices for purebreds so the breeding of a dog is regardless - mixed breeds are just as expensive to keep as purebreds.
Don't forget that we get NO funding and we pay for the food, water, rent, electricity, salaries of the workers, equipment, toys, treats and everything else involved with running a shelter.
Although we get a lot donated we still have to find money for repair works, air conditioners servicing etc which everyone seems to just assume is paid for with thin air.
There's also a hell of a lot that QAWS don't pay for. The committee itself doesn't claim any petrol money, phone bills, printing, laminating, photocopying...
So even if you find a "free" dog - you still have to pay over QR2,000 for all the vet services and equipment you need to keep a dog. And if you're not prepared to pay that then you shouldn't have a dog.
QAWS do good work, but as far as I know, they don't spey/neuter or vaccinate the animals in the shelter. Those things are the responsibility of the adopter. So the money they charge must be for the animal's food and the running costs.
Many if not all animal rescue centres in North America require medical/vaccination fees to be paid (as well as spaying and neutering charges) before one is allowed to adopt.
Vet fees are not cheap here - they are not charging you in order to make money, they're charging to cover the costs only. Otherwise, they would not be able to take in as many animals as they do - if you don't want to help these stray animals then that's your choice, but at least inform yourself as to WHY the fee is being charged.
It isn't a gratuitous charge.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
It's for the vets fees. They don't use the government vets. There are good reasons why.