Sid - Lol.... You guyz in Oil n Gas are paid handsome...

I mus say experience too counts...

I ll share with you my story... do let me know the feedback pls...

I am in Power cable manufacturing company... and have 2 yrs experience... :)
How did I reach here...? Boss in previous company back in India came here .. had a requirement.. I thought over it and jus jumped in...
Blind faith.... :)
I am happy with the work culture... professional ...

and Salary... was based on what I was getting back in India...
it is 4K + company accommodation - flat + vehicle.

Does it make me look like a underpaid fellow.... if Yes... how n what can be dine for it now ????
To be honest... I don feel anything... as working for this Boss is real fun.... nice fellow and learning a lot from him... he is more into grooming than makin me work.... :) I feel fortunate...

Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol