Salaries and Grades in Qatar Foundation

Dear All,
I have got an offer from Qatar Foundation for Sr. Civil Supervisor which is basically like a Section Head. They offered me QR 11283 plus QR 7000 HRA plus QR 1200 transport plus QR 500 Utility allowance, plus children allowance plus excursion fare annual and QR 40000 Furniture loan depreciated fully in 4 years plus one month salary after every one year of service.
Could you please give your comments on this offer.
Presently, I am working with the second largest oil company in India as a Sr. Manager and I am a Civil Engineer with Postgraduation in Finance management having 22 years experience in Project Execution.
Thanks in anticipation to you all.
Hi friends,
I am working in Qatar since 2006 in Privet Company as Assistant Administrator and searching for job in Qatar Government organizations.
Can anyone tell me is Qatar Foundation is Government organized?
And I heard that if you get the job in any organizations of Qatar Government there is no need of NOC from current Sponsor or Employer...
Please clarify... thanks to all
hai friends,
since iam the only boy in my family there is pressure up on me to find a job in my native place itself. but iam intrrested in working iam working in a consruction company in saudi.can u help me to find companies giving vacation in 6 months or is it better to take my parents abroad.when i finish my current project i will be having 2 years experience.please advise me on this.
given your current designation,qualification and experience. You are a Senior Manager and taking up this position would mean coming down a couple of nothches in your career.
Don't accept this offer if you ask me buddy.
tg1234 said Sujit ...
I guess you are not very good at Bargaining...
For your help..Following points:
Most Govt. Owned/Public Sector(as in India) Companies do not discriminate based on nationality or educational background..
BALLS TO YOU, you look like another BJP chap say this ... AS IN INDIA Companies do not discriminate based on nationality or educational background..
Which is a real FALSE... If you are joking I can accept it ... INDIAN GOVT IS THE MOST AND THE BIGGEST BIASED COUNTRY IN THIS WORLD...
Working in and Oil and Gas company is far more advantageous.
tushar - As far as possible...try not coming here for the first Job....
Not tht it is bad.. but learning wise... it is not as competitive and challenging it is in India...
Recession has had its least effect on Gulf.
Salary you talking about in campus... 30K.. I really don know if companies are still offering tht.....
But if recession is the reason you are trying for Jobs outside country too...
I would recommend Joining a not so reputed company in India and sticking to the field of choice..... trus me not only you ll be happy in being field you like.. but you learn a lot in small ones...
this way you don have to be stuck up in a Job for rest of your life jus cause you wanted a big brand name but Job is not what you were born for.....
Career is your choice... destiny has a play.. but you are the one who steers the wheel.....
Pre-final yr... ??
By next yr I presume things should be back to normal in India too.....
Man created religion ..not GOD... get over it guys...- FS
Hey guyz...
I am a Computer engineering student into my pre final year from New Delhi,India.I wanted to gain information from people already doing job in Middle East that what salary, accomudation,job life can I expect if I apply for a job in a place like Doha or Kuwait as a fresher after I complete my Bachelors. Although experience wouldn't add to my profile,still I wanted to know what my chances would be. Due to recession, I have a feeling that there may be less job security.
Our college do have campus placements with companies like Adobe,TCS and few more comming and giving salaries like 600$ per month(Rs 30000).
I am good at Computer programming.
And one more thing,
if I do a post graduation in Management (MBA) from a good university back in India and then I apply for job here.Then what my scenario would be.
Hey guyz...
I am a Computer engineering student into my pre final year from New Delhi,India.I wanted to gain information from people already doing job in Middle East that what salary, accomudation,job life can I expect if I apply for a job in a place like Doha or Kuwait as a fresher after I complete my Bachelors. Although experience wouldn't add to my profile,still I wanted to know what my chances would be. Due to recession, I have a feeling that there may be less job security.
Our college do have campus placements with companies like Adobe,TCS and few more comming and giving salaries like 600$ per month(Rs 30000).
I am good at Computer programming.
And one more thing,
if I do a post graduation in Management (MBA) from a good university back in India and then I apply for job here.Then what my scenario would be.
just need an answer on this... I already submitted my credentials last April 28 to one of the sports government office here in doha since I am the final candidate suited for the vacant position (IT Staff) I applied before but they told me to wait for 1-2 months for the reason that it takes 1-2 months to process my papers. Is there really an assurance on this and how much will be the salary in government office?
Have you got your visa
Sid - Lol.... You guyz in Oil n Gas are paid handsome...
I mus say experience too counts...
I ll share with you my story... do let me know the feedback pls...
I am in Power cable manufacturing company... and have 2 yrs experience... :)
How did I reach here...? Boss in previous company back in India came here .. had a requirement.. I thought over it and jus jumped in...
Blind faith.... :)
I am happy with the work culture... professional ...
and Salary... was based on what I was getting back in India...
it is 4K + company accommodation - flat + vehicle.
Does it make me look like a underpaid fellow.... if Yes... how n what can be dine for it now ????
To be honest... I don feel anything... as working for this Boss is real fun.... nice fellow and learning a lot from him... he is more into grooming than makin me work.... :) I feel fortunate...
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
They also don't know they say 2 weeks to 3-4 months and may be more and the Employer is QF. This is strange don't you think so.
shouldn't take that long at least as per situation during the days i was there (2006-2007). what is your employer's opinion on this? They should give you an answer.
I got selected and also sent the required documents for visa processing about weeks back. Can someone inform me how much time it will take to get the visa in my hand?
I got selected and signed the offer from QF about 2 months back. Can anybody give idea of time between signing offer and receiving visa?
Hello Tg
here i would like to ask you some t hing as u had discuss about some thing which sound interesting and i think you can help me out in that
now as you had discussed about BECHTEL i would like to ask you that i had the same engineering background currently working in oil and gas sector in saudi arabia and working for ARAMCO projects i just would like to ask you what is the package i should expect in qatar having total of 6 years of exp and of that 1 year of exp in saudi arabia currently i am getting 5000- 5500 SR as basic per month
just let me know about that
Dear friends
I had posted my querry in the previous message and would just like to know in advance about the salary structure which i should expect so that might help me in negototitaion and from the comments of TG1234 and QATAR CAT it seems that they are well aware of the senrio so please help me out in that
other friends of this forum are also welcome to give their opinion they are most welcome
Mr tg 1234
I would like to know some information regarding salary ranges for my field and qualification and experience in Qatar
I had been reading your response in the forums and just thought to have a discussion with you regarding that
I myself a chemical engineer having 6 years of experience in an EPC company in INDIA, out of that for the past last year I am in SAUDI Arabia. Here I have been offered a salary of 5500 SR basic and other allowance the company is having projects of Saudi Aramco
Now as I am looking myself for Qatar then in that case how much I should be getting if I am been appointed in an EPC multinational organization
i would just like to have a basic idea so that at the time of bargaining I should have the fig in my mind
because as u said many Indian they just flip over as they see some thing which they are not getting in India , I don’t want to be a part of them infact I want to know the worth and weightage of qualification and experience which I should get with the recent situation
I hope you can help me out
Mr tg 1234
I would like to know some information regarding salary ranges for my field and qualification and experience in Qatar
I had been reading your response in the forums and just thought to have a discussion with you regarding that
I myself a chemical engineer having 6 years of experience in an EPC company in INDIA, out of that for the past last year I am in SAUDI Arabia. Here I have been offered a salary of 5500 SR basic and other allowance the company is having projects of Saudi Aramco
Now as I am looking myself for Qatar then in that case how much I should be getting if I am been appointed in an EPC multinational organization
i would just like to have a basic idea so that at the time of bargaining I should have the fig in my mind
because as u said many Indian they just flip over as they see some thing which they are not getting in India , I don’t want to be a part of them infact I want to know the worth and weightage of qualification and experience which I should get with the recent situation
I hope you can help me out
I have 06 years of experience after graduation in Civil Eengineering (BE Civil) and I am working in India.
I have an offer at CCWS in Qatar as Sr Contracts Engineer (Grade E), Salary QR7920+Accomodation(Single), food and conveyance
Is the offer good enough to be accepted?
Please let me know
Which company is this that claims as Equal Employment Opportunity Employer? I am sure, its not QP. Rest are subs to QP, then who can claim. Please tell me which company you work for? Thanks
Only Love & Respect of Others Makes us Human.
Can you share how was the procedure for the finalization?
I have an interview scheduled and was wondering if that 16K + 5K Accom
is good enough to live in Qatar. I see a lot of -ve things about rents in Qatar.
You have your email?
drop me a mail on testengineer at the rate of
Seems no one has replied to yr question. What is intemnity pay & at what frequecy is it paid (monthly/yearly)?
With 5000 you will hardly get an accomodation. If you have a family, just forget it. Overall the total amount (21K) is not bad but try to get more as a 2 BR apartment would cost 7k to 8.5K over here. all apartments are available fully furnished.
I got an offer from Qatar recently as Business Architect. The package is as follows. QR 16K basic + QR 5K Transportation & Accom + QR 250 Telephone expenses + 1 month paid leave / annum + intemnity pay QR 11200 (its a contract job).
I got 8+ yrs of IT experience and currently working at Bangalore.
Do you think its a good offer? Or should i bargain for more.
Thanks in advance.
Dear All
My background is Merchant Navy although currently working ashore in New Delhi, India.
I want to have an idea of an average good salary in Doha. I am being offered approx 11000 QR + 50% for children education + Medical + 4000 QR HRA and the usual annual return fare home for holiday. This is as a Superintendent with a shipping company.
Do you thing it is comfortable? I was thinking about USD 6000?
Your comments please.
I am sure you will decide based on your own judgement and not on advice which is always subjective...
When I lived for 3 years in doha I felt myself totally dumb when I came back to India as I couldn't learn anything new during my stay in Doha. Al-Attiyah and New Horizon training centers where so bad and really not worth that much money they charge. Problem in doha is you cannot leave the country without sponsors letter that is too bad.
Since IT training is so low in doha I thought of doing part-time teaching if I happen to go their to work. I have nearly 1 TB of e-learning material with me and whatever I learnt and got certificed was from it only. Most of my friends start to laugh when I tell them about this package. Only advantage of middle east is tax free life but the labor laws gives so much of power to the employer. If at all I would come back to doha I'll rent a room from friends I've in doha and conduct cisco classes at 50% the rate of all training centers. I personally feel the best way to make fast money is in the field of IT Training. Investment required is pretty less if you only got the brains and teaching skills then you can become rich beyond your wildest dreams. Unfortunately too many guys are here in India or else I wouldn't plan to leave India.
This is a great forum to meet like minded people online. Great to have a forum that has nothing to do with qatarization ......
Anyways only think good about working in doha is that their more talking and less of techinal working. The experience in middle east counts a lot if you are planning to migrate to western countries.
If I decide to take up the offer I'll inform you guys.
Well, I know I would be interested in taking some Cisco classes provided they were not outrageously priced:) So I think you could find a market for it here.
Doha is no Dubai...So do not compare..And the population is exactly one fifth of UAE...Oppurtunties are lesser...My advise will be to avoid Doha for this salary...
Also UAE is a fair country in terms of new businesses and oppurtunities..60% of Population of Dubai is the from the Indian Sub-continent..And here in Doha every jackass with a bit of brain earning half your salary thinks he has owned you up because he can see Indian labourers and House-maids on the road..
I think your offer in Doha is not even worth a try..
I've done Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science at Anna University. I've doubts I'll take this offer as I've a better one from Auckland, NZ. If God Willing I'll make a decision which one to choose.
I've a question is it permitted to teach private classes at home for IT exam certification esp. if you are working for some company in doha. My friend is earning 50,000 AED every month (After all his expenses) in UAE by teaching during non-working hours for (Cisco CCIE lab exams) IT exam certifications. He has his own lab built in his house and he conducts classes since these exams require experience with the equipments.
I found this in my Inbox today..its for those who are caught in the wrong jobs and wish to change...
Bargain hard and get what you wish ..before you jump..
A modern Engineering Centre is being set up to execute concurrently running major multidisciplinary EPCM Projects in OIL/GAS/Petrochemical /Hydrocarbon & Piping industry.We are in need of a of following professionals take charge of the Piping Design & detailed Engineering, Electrical Design, Instrumentation Design,Civil & Structural Design functions of the Centre.
Position : Chief Engineer ( Piping Design)
Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from a reputed institute.
15 years of piping design experience in multi disciplinary environment with renowned Engineering Consultancy companies working for Refinery/Chemical/Petrochemical/Fertiliser/Pipelines/Infrastructure projects specifically in Hydrocarbon Industry Exposure to site construction/ trouble shooting assignments shall be an advantage.
Position : Manager ( Piping Design)
Bachelors in Mechanical engineering from a reputed institute.
10 years piping design experience in a multi disciplinary surrounding with internationally renowned EPC Engineering Consultancy working for Refinery/Chemical/Petrochemical/Fertiliser/Pipelines/Infrastructure projects specifically in Hydrocarbon Industry
Exposure to site construction assignments shall be an advantage.
Position : Manager ( Mechanical Design )
Bachelors or Master in Mechanical Engineering from a reputed institute.
12 years of static & rotating equipments experience with renowned Engineering Consultancy companies working for Refinery/Chemical/Petrochemical/Fertiliser/Pipelines/Infrastructure projects specifically in Hydrocarbon Industry
Position : Manager ( Civil & Structurals)
Bachelors or Master in Civil & Structurals from a reputed institute.
10 years of hands on on job Civil/structurals l Design & detailed Engineering experience with internationally renowned Engineering Consultancy companies working for Refinery/Chemical/Petrochemical/Fertiliser/Pipelines/Infrastructure projects specifically in Hydrocarbon
Position : Manager ( Electrical)
Bachelors or Master in Electrical Engineering from a reputed institute.
10 years of Electrical Design & Engineering experience with internationally renowned Engineering Consultancy companies working for Refinery/Chemical/Petrochemical/Fertiliser/Pipelines/Infrastructure projects specifically in Hydrocarbon Industry Exposure to site construction/ trouble shooting assignments shall be an advantage.
Position : Manager ( Instruments)
Bachelors or Master in Electronics from a reputed institute.
10 years of hands on on job Instruments & Control Design & detailed Engineering experience with internationally renowned Engineering Consultancy companies working for Refinery/Chemical/Petrochemical/Fertiliser/Pipelines/Infrastructure projects specifically in Hydrocarbon Industry Exposure to site construction/ trouble shooting assignments shall be an advantage.
Position : Chief Engineer (Process)
Bachelors or Master in Chemical /Process Engineering from a reputed institute.
18 years of multi disciplinary experience with renowned Engineering Consultancy companies working for Refinery/Chemical/Petr! ochemical/Fertiliser/Pipelines/Infrastructure projects specifically in Hydrocarbon Industry Exposure to site construction/ trouble shooting assignments shall be an advantage.
In addition to providing leadership to Basic as well as detailed Process engineering of Hydrocarbon industry, the candidate himself should be capable of adopting the updated design engineering technologies to provide excellence to the centre..
Position : Mngr.(Project Planning & Control)
Bachelors in Engineering (Chemical / Mechanical) from a reputed institute.
10-12 years of experience in Project / Contract & Construction Management of Petroleum Refinery/Chemical/Petrochemical/ Fertiliser/ Pipelines /Infrastructure Projects specifically in Hydrocarbon Industry out of which at least 6 years should have been as a senior Plqanning engineer .He should have worked at a level of Dy.M / Mngr. in a large Company for at least 3 years.
Position : Manager (Process Design & Engineering
Bachelors or Master in Chemical /Process Engineering from a reputed institute.
10 years of Process Design & Engineering experience with renowned Engineering Consultancy companies working for Refinery/Chemical/Petrochemical/Fertiliser/Pipelines/Infrastructure projects specifically in Hydrocarbon Industry Exposure to site construction/ trouble shooting assignments shall be an advantage.
Position : Specialist Engineer (Mechanical Packages)
Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from a reputed institute preferably with post graduate specialization in vessel/exchanger design or experience /training with reputed vessel/exchanger manufacturers..
6 years of static equipments experience with renowned Engineering Consultancy companies working for Refinery/Chemical/Petrochemical/Fertiliser/Pipelines/Infrastructure projects specifically in Hydrocarbon Industry.Experience with a renowned manufacturing organization of vessels / exchangers shall be very suitable
Interested Candidates can send their profile to [email protected]
No idea really..I was at Dubai but did not show interst..just heard from friends...(I guess these positions were in India..and Since there is ban of recruiting Indians for Iraq...Bechtel being a major company wont flout that norm..)
What I know for sure That Foster Wheeler put up full page ads in the Gulf (Dubai and Bahrain Gulf News)..asking for people to be located in Kuwait and on requirements.. travelling and working in the green zone of Iraq...
Salaries offered were 3 Times your current Salary..I dont know really who took the bait...Average 40K per month..that certainly salary in the difficult zone...
Just out of interest was Bechtel looking for people for the Gulf or for Iraq as they were awarded a very large project in Iraq a short time ago?? In this case they would have to pay danger money too.
I am not clear what your background is..It seems that you are not a "Degree" computer Engineer..But an IT guy with certifications..If my understanding is correct then its a good offer...
If you are working for a fair company which is all the Q companies in Oil and Gas (ONLY THERE)..and major Western Companies then you should fly in..However If you are working for any Govt. Department or Kaharamma or your home-work.( If you worked in Qatar earlier then you will have your contacts...
If your offer is from a Western campus - you are in good stead. They follow the standards of their home country, so treat their emplyees very well and honestly. Accomodation is usually very good and you can live nicely on QR7,000 in Doha - with money to send home if you wish. This only applies if the company you are going to work for is a western company.
Hello ...
I'm from India and I've got an offer from Doha with a salary package of QR 7000 per month + Accomodation + Car & other misc. expenses. Contract is for 2 years. Job will be related to Campus Network Infrastructure deployment. I lived in Qatar for 3 years this is a pretty decent package when I was in qatar. Will this be a good job to sign. I'm getting approx 3000 QR here in India but after tax what I take home is less. I've 4 years experience in IT and I've done certifications MCSE on Windows 2003 (completed in 2004), CCNP and CCIE Routing and Switching Written. Since I'm a bachelore I'll not be taking anyone with me and I'll be living in the accomodation provided by the company. Please give me your advice and feedback whether it is a good package to sign. They also told me yearly leave with tickets to my native place and after 2 years it will be upto me whether I wanna be with them or not. Visa will be directly under the company's name. At present in India I'm working at a cisco re-seller company.
kindly advice me on the same.
Hi TG,
Ya, people call me u hv used the correct abbrev.
Thanx for the info. Wish i can get in touch with you upon recahing Doha (should be there in max 2 weeks). well, the discussion was on salary levels of Indians, where I wanted to highlighted that Indian engineers are ill-paid in home ground as a result global employers, find us cheap. It is obvious as nowadays more & more international players are focussing on recruiting Indian engineers.
On yr info abt job profile etc....right now I am chasing salary and a good co to work with. i am in middle mngmnt still (13 yrs exp) can play around (read hop around) to have varied exp & $$$$
have a good day
Also for your info...Reliance is forming its own Engineering Company (to be based at New Delhi) for the Planned expansion of the Jamnagar Refinery..The Roumered figures in the market are much higher that Bechtel offered at Dubai..
Your comments are well taken..and I know a bit about QF as well..However its unethical to talk about companies and their plus and minus I would refrain from it..
Salaries also have to do with the position your target and how?? If you are made responsible for a $2 billion project..(or your position is critical) will offered much compared to if you are just a client rep for a position..and all you do is book keeping..Or if you just take keys of a completed project and maintain..You wont get what you want..I have a warning though..High stake also means greater effort and greater instability..but hard work..and a bit of confidence..will get you there...
Before joining any position..During interview..a very regular question is asked to the aspirant.."Do you have any questions"?? Thats the time to really make it count..Get EVERYTHING that you need to know..Generally Senior Management that interview anyone are not given into lying..and they are generally transparent..Use this effectively..and then decide where you wish to go and why??
Sujit...this is not that bad....but you can definetly stretch it further. Just to give you a feel am an Indian engineer with 13 yrs exp and am to join in Qatar for slightly MORE salary than yours. I am NOT trying to discourage you but just trying to educate Indian fellowmen on Gulf salaries.
I do not know whether there is a dire need for you to come to Gulf at this age. If it is so you can consider this as a stepping stone and changeover after an year once you have known the local factors. Or else, if you are happy with yr cozy PSU job, then this is not an option to take a plunge. Education will be a compromise in Gulf if you have grown up kids.
You should also check with yr freinds who are working in Gulf/Qatar.
All the best.
I start saying Thank God, there is an Indian around. I have been reading (& infrequently writing) in this forum for past 3 months.
I could not help myself commenting on the inputs you have given on Indian salaries. With due respect I wish to inform the infos are much hyped. It is true as said by QC that an Indian engineer (with 10-12 yrs exp) would consider $3000 salary as a God sent fortune. Yes, the guy would jump for the salary as Indian engineers are probably the most exploited & ill paid communities among other Indian employees. I am an Indian with work exp in Gulf & SE Asia. When I was negotiating my first job for Gulf the salary I asked for, left the HR Manager confused as Indians were never paid so high in that company (well it is a respected Australian company of the stature of Bechtel or Technip). I joined at my asked salary itself and found myself to be the highest paid Indian there.
And on the comment you said that underpaid Indians will disappear once the know the worth, I beg to differ on that too as Indians still believe in age old traditions that quick job change is detrimental to career. I feel sorry at times for my countrymen who do not know to negotiate and at times curse them also for allowing employers to form the opinion that Indians are available for low salaries. There are exceptions and you and I are only few of them, but majority of Indians are ignorant about their worth, the reason being poor pay package in domestic arena. During my last vacation (Jan 06) just to check Indian salaries, I bagged offers from Reliance and L&T (2 engg giants of India) and both offered something in the range of INR 70,000 (QR 6000) per month. I do not know about recent Bechtel’s offering (I am aware they had been to Gulf to lure Indian engineers), but all I know is Bechtel’s Indian operations is a back office for their global projects booked from US. They hire Indian engineers at cheap rate to remain competitive in the global market. Otherwise Bechtel hardly books Indian projects.
I am still continuing in the Gulf and due to join an equal opportunity employer at Qatar with a decent salary (not $3000 or something like that!). One more info I wish to share with you that ADNOC group does recruit people directly. I have in my mail box a direct offer from ZADCO. Since the Qatar contract is for 3 yrs against the 1 yr offer from ZADCO, I am choosing the Qatar one.
Sorry for disagreement. No offence please. Keep writing.
No actually I meant we are getting people in India who make much less than that and who are happy to come here and work for US$3000. But this is by no means a true indication of how things are in the other industries, I think. I am not very well-versed in all stock exchange stuff and such :)
If you are getting people in India Who are working at $3000 a month in India..I accept that..Because many people out of personal reason prefer to work in India..(Cultural thing..Older Parents stay with Children all)...However if you bring them to Gulf..and they really understand their worth...they will disappear faster than you wink...
Also..this boom time is temporary..Salaries in India are only reflective of higher salaries all over..Once the Global downturn starts because of this high oil price..Things will change...
Are we already getting early indicators with the stock markets crashing recently??
Thanks for the info! And yes we can find $3000 people in India, very easy, but they all work for us already in our branch of the company (we have them all around the world) and any secondment goes through the regional office (i.e. if you want to get our people from India, you should go through our Indian office).
I am NOT saying there are no specialists in India who are highly trained, experienced and worth much more than US$3000. All I am saying that for every one such quality employee, there are hundreds of people with equal qualifications only too happy to flip at US$3000. That's all.
Not I dont get info from Others..I am part of Oil and Gas Industry..and Work for biggest Oil and Gas Govt Company..and Has worked 8 Years in the Gulf with the largest Employers..including Saudi Aramco...
When You hire people you just go by what the agent tells you..and depends on what business you are in...If your company is pulling cables for substations and you need site survey people..obviously they would be happy with $3000 (These are pre-suppositions not meant to offend you but only as an example)..However If you are looking for Serious positions..Like a Senior Project Manager and a Design Position (I am not looking at Cadd operators..and junior design engineers..who learn their engineering in the gulf)..You may be really getting a bunch of Idiots who flip over 3000 $..If You wish..I will share my Inbox..where $120K a Year in being offered to me regulary by Abu Dhabi based Contractors..(Since ADNOC does not hire directly..and Positions are not more than a Year..I have not moved yet)..
I know all Companies in the Gulf are having trouble finding the right people..If you can really find $3000 People from india..I will offer you excellent secondment oppurtunies here in well as the region..
With respect...
TG, I don't know where you get your info from, but the people we hire from India (and I am in oil and gas industry) are all asking for "at least US$3000 all inclusive" in order for them to relocate. I can only suggest that back home they are making less than that, based on what they are looking for. When we tell them that we offer much more, as our company is an equal opportunities employer, they literally flip out.
Oh, the people we hire are all at least Bachelor Degree holders with 5+ years of experience. We don't deal with unskilled/semiskilled employees.
I am taking the liberty of answering you..though I am not sure whom you are asking the question...I would answer you with an info..
Bechtel recently conducted interviews for Indians at Dubai..The positions were based at Gurgaon near New Delhi
Average Engineering Professionals with Oil and Gas background were offered a Package of 250,000 Rupees per month (30% Taxed)(20,000 QR Per Month)...with a Relocation and Family assistance Allowance of 4,00,000 Rupees (Around 35,000 QR)..
On the whole anyone with an oil and Gas background is being offered incredible salaries..For Example British Oil and Gas companies are offering 5 Year work Permit with Citizenship Offers to Indians on a regular basis..(They still have difficulty in getting people)..
However People in IT/Software/Finance are increasingly getting higher salaries than Oil and Gas...I guess the web is the place to know about it ....
hey out of interest can i ask what i the average salary in India for someone of your skill
Also Try Qatar Petroleum on Their Website directly..
I guess you are not very good at Bargaining...
For your help..Following points:
Most Govt. Owned/Public Sector(as in India) Companies do not discriminate based on nationality or educational background..
Your Ideal Salary Right now should be in the range of 16KQR- 20 K Per Month..with the above mentioned benefits
Hint: Your back ground makes your Ideal for Dubai Real Estate Industry...
Try thru and target 30K Total package there...
Sounds OK to me. Of course it depends on the number of kids you have and whether their school fees will be covered by QF. However, with your credentials and experience I think the salary could be at least double. If QF throws in company provided villa (on top of everything they have already offered) - then it's a good offer.