The knife example is only mentioned for fellow muslims. It has nothing to do with "others". Islam is built upon brotherhood and oneness unlike other communities.

"Nothing that is not given freely and willingly cannot be taken from a Muslim, but from a non-muslim, you can take away what is not given freely and willingly"

No, you can't. The same code of conduct applies to a muslim towards any human being irrespective of his belief. In many many places the command from God is addressed directly to muslims and not "others" coz what is commanded is only understood and can be implemented by the believers....example acts of charity, avoidance of interest, protecting women's chastity, marrying more than 1 wife, etc. These acts are ordained to muslims wihout the mention of the disbelievers coz disbelievers don't consider these acts at all!

Qur'an calls upon the "believers" (and not just anybody) to give zakah (charity) to the poor and the needy because zakah is among the pillars of Islam and a disbeliever wouldn't do that anyway.

You took a wrong idea out of my previous note.

Hey Maa look at me....what no one wants to see....much too young to focus but too old to see!