"that people cannot keep to their lanes when going around a round-about.... Its happened to me before, but in the last three days, I have nearly been taken out by other drivers drifting to my side of the road - always while I am trying to take a left turn/u-turn around the R/A."

- R/A are usually too narrow and in case its a three-lane R/A, the outer lane is regularly used as parking even by traffic police cars...

"And what is with people that don't stop at yield signs? I frequent Hyatt Plaza, and at one of the roads leading toward the shops (within the centre) there are yield signs, giving way to people coming from the side lanes. But people just don't stop. I have to stop every time, even though its my right of way...."

-forget about right of way...they dont even look at their side mirrors when joining the main road...