dmightysolomon...i am using the verses not because i believe in it but because i want to show you what you guys are believing at. It's not hipocrisy. If i quote on some verses of your books to show you it's errors, flaws and inconsistencies, does it make me a hypocrite? I don't know where you learn the word, and i don't even know if it applies to my response. Do i preach your bible? no. I use the verses as an eye opener for people like you who already admitted about the flaw and yet still embrace it because of the so-called faith. Will you trust your girlfriend or wife after she told lots of lies? If you said you still will, then that's a hypocrite.

Please follow the hyperlink that i posted about the explanation of Jesus being a "bastard".

Qureshi2k...if you're looking for the word "bastard", you can only find it in deuteronomy. What do you call a son of your wife that doesn't belong to you? Will you gladly call it your own? If you happen to be getting married and you found out that your wife-to-be is pregnant and she told you it was conceived by God, will you believe her?

It's not because things are difficult that we don't dare, it's because we don't dare that makes things difficult!